Jeri Weil as "Judy Hensler" And then you wanted to watch another one. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Aside from her 1987 appearance in The New Leave It to Beaver, Weil stopped acting after her turn on Leave It to Beaver. She went on to become a Los Angeles-area realtor, according to IMDb. So Wally, uncharacteristically aggressively goes to her house and demands the sweater back and tells her to watch what she's saying about him at the drugstore. DOWNLOAD THE APP: Get the latest news, sports and more, The New Leave it to Beaver/Still The Beaver Fan Page, 'Leave It to Beaver' actor Tony Dow dies at 77 after entering hospice, 'Leave It to Beaver' actor Ken Osmond, known for role as Eddie Haskell, dies at 76, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. She continued acting on several TV shows. In the podcast interview, she talks of how her "womanhood began to show," prompting the show's producers to urge her to bind her breasts so that she could retain her youthful appearance. Judge for a Day is a 1935 Fleischer Studios animated short film starring Betty Boop.[2]. Jeri Weil - Wikipedia Arguably one of the most famous names on this list, Demi Moore got her start on US soap, General Hospital. As a child, Tony Dow helped capture the innocence of America as Wally Cleaver in "Leave It to Beaver" and it still continues to captivate audiences nearly 60 years since the show ended. It was just a really good life. I do try to relay whatever is on Jerry Mathers page his appearance locations and dates, or what he has for sale on his merchandise site. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. (Actress) Sue Randall was an American actor who was best known for portraying a teacher named 'Miss Alice Landers' in the series 'Leave It to Beaver.'. Sir Ben played the flirty Ron Jenkins on Corrie from 1966 to 1967. This Betty Boop-related animated film article is a stub. I guess it was the story structure that drew me. More: 'Leave It to Beaver' actor Tony Dow dies at 77 after entering hospice, More: 'Leave It to Beaver' actor Ken Osmond, known for role as Eddie Haskell, dies at 76. She admits that she made considerably more money in her adult profession, though it hasn't been as fun as her early years in acting. Judy was portrayed by Jeri Weil, born in 1948 and still living at the time of this writing. Yes, and several of the new characters as well. Tiger Fafara. The Only Actors Still Alive From The Cast Of Leave It To Beaver She appeared with fellow "Leave it to Beaver" cast members Barbara Billingsly (June Cleaver), Ken Osmond (Eddie Haskell), Frank Bank (Lumpy Rutherford), Richard Correll (Richard), Richard Deacon (Fred Rutherford), and, of course, Jerry Mathers (per IMDb ).
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