Who did Shawn kill in Long Way Down? Will is highly intelligent, with an active, restless mind. No. (Pg.159), six foot four, Six foot five. "(Pg.124), [LWD] What did the photo showed when the girl in the elevator showed Will?(Pg.127). 1. [LWD]What did shawn called will when he broke up with his girlfriend? Will is too, but feels he can't cry: that's Rule #1. Check out our. How Jason Reynolds' "Long Way Down" Ties Symbolism to its Themes Will- nothing happens after Create a book jacket of the novel using one of Storyboard Thats, Create a scrapbook page made by one of the characters in the novel. In, like fools gold or a treasure map that leads nowhere. Reynolds ends the novel on this open question, letting the reader speculate about Will's response. When he was alive, Buck was a stereotypical figure of masculine behavior, living by The Rules and committing frequent crimes. Mikey was apparently a kind father who made his children laugh. [LWD] How many slugs(bullets) were in the gun and how many were there supposed to be? Every time Buck strikes a match to light a cigarette, the elevator stops and a new ghost steps on. gets passed down like name-brandT-shirts around here. However, the cloud of smoke thickens leaving Will and the reader in doubt about who Shawn's killer really is. (Pg.25), [LWD]Which floor did he and his mother live in? An ode to Put the Damn Guns Down, this is New York Times bestselling author Jason Reynolds's electrifying novel that takes place in sixty potent secondsthe time it takes a kid to decide whether or not he's going to murder the guy who killed his brother. Confront Riggs and ask if he was the one who killed Shawn Ask everyone in the neighborhood who killed Shawn Move on with his life and try to make Shawn proud Question 9 30 seconds Q. Where is Shawn when he is killed? | Long Way Down Questions & Answers 2.The Shining - A cigarette burn under the right eye [LWD] Who did Will meet in the 4th Floor of the elevator?
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