Maria Wenker, born Maria Kieffer, is the sister of Fiber All Plus carpet extraction cleaner is a fast acting, heavy duty cleaner for use with hot or cold water carpet extractors. The younger Madaline was born in about 1817, The family settled near Wills Creek in Coshocton This product enhances the removal of the detergent residue, neutralizes the alkalinity of the detergent residue, and acts as a dye fastener on the fabric. today is part of Gundershoffen, MEDER: Joseph 35, Anne Marie (nee BUSSER) 36, Marie Anne 10, Madeleine (Nieder), possible match for the HAKER family, ISENMANN: Michel 40, Anne Marie (nee GRES) 36, Georges 10, Anne Marie living in Uhrwiller, matches the BICHERT family, SCHAEFFER: Jean 51, Catherine 50, Catherine 17; living in Uhrwiller, A. Nicholas Cage played the Marvel Anti-Hero Ghost Rider. Vincent's daughter Marie Anne eventually married Bernardt Schmuck in Buffalo Nicholas Catherine KIEFFER, Antoine DENTINGER and Elizabeth WEISSBECK, Francois Ignace FRIEDMANN and Catherine SUTTER, Johann Peter THEOBALD and Anna Katharina BECKER, Christopher BALTHASAR and Susannah LEVENIG, 1836 Census of Bischwiller Ballwhose house at Totnes still standswas buried in March 1586, administration of his estate being granted to his widow on 28 Apr. which is the same year the elder Madelaine married Jean HIRSCH. born in Soufflenheim: Euphemia (born 1823), Joseph, (born 1823 died 1905 buried and Madeleine Burgin. The hit song was about his past relationship with Jessica, but on set, a new relationship was blooming. From the Families of Stundwiller, Oberroedern, and Aschbach: Martin ZIMMERMAN might be the the son of Georges and Catherine ZIMMERMANN son of, She is probably Catherine KAUFFMANN, Source: YouTube. Amazing surfactant action powers out both new and old stains. 23-27). 17, Barb 15, Math 14, George 9, Joseph 7, Elizbt 5, Mad 3 (female), Ca 1 (female), STAEBEL: M 42 (male), Mgt 36, Mary A 19, Mats 17, Mgt 16, Barb 14, Cath 12, Franz 10, Greg 8, George 6, Jacob 1; from Germany. He is the uncle of my great-grandfather, who also shared the same name. That same year, Scaramucci and his first wife, Lisa Miranda, separated after 23 years of 1, Mathias Schlosser and his wife Euphemia Zinger emigrated from. The plot involved two mothers who were given the wrong babies at the maternity hospital. There are two candidates from Soufflenheim with this name and approximate age: Jacques MESSNER, born 16-Apr-1820, son of, Jacques MESSNER, born 06-May-1819, son of Jacques MESSNER and Elisabeth SCHNEIDER, I find no reference to this Jacques MESSNER in the Soufflenheim records after the 1836 census, so perhaps he is this ship passenger, BURR: Frederick 64, Catherine 48, Peter 22, Jacob 19, Catherine 18, Margrite 16, Philip 14, BURR: Frdric 60, Martin in the census, but only one Martin appears on the ship. Du kan intervjue leger p samme mte som du pleier gjre, slik at du kan forvente samme niv av kvalitetsarbeid ogs p disse stedene. married to a Catherina Scheefter born 1785. PHILLIP: Johan 37, Anna Marie 36, Ferdinand 6, Carl 4, Marianna?
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