Bates, who has spent nearly two decades in TV news, joined WFMY in January 2003, serving as evening co-anchor with Sandra Hughes. She started her forecasting career at WMC-TV where she served as a freelance meteorologist from December 2011 to April 2012. But he says his decision to grab former WFMY personalities was a business decision, not a personal one. Quotation[7] = "'FTVLive Delivers some of the TV World's Biggest Scoops' - Tonawanda News "; Fired TV anchor loses suit against Channel 2 - Chron Monique has amassed an impressive wealth from her journalism career. The anchor moved to many cities while climbing the media markets across the U.S. She has worked in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; Portland, Oregon; and San Francisco Bay Area. Former WFMY anchor Bill Burr and long-time chief meteorologist Randy Jackson appeared Monday - in the middle of an important ratings period - on their former competitor's 5 p.m. news. The station finished No. Lauren Coleman Born in. Luck became the weekday anchor at 5:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., and 11:00 p.m. Julie was diagnosed with colon cancer during a routine colonoscopy in January 2022. I even have photos of me pretending to me a meteorologist as a kid. Quotation[10] = "'The statement from New York-based NBC was in response to a report on the FTVLive' - Bloomberg"; WFMY's Stacey Spivey shares that her last day at News 2 is Thursday, June 16. Leaving the Business to Launch a Business FTVLive Leaving the Business to Launch a Business December 13, 2022 / Scott Jones Word is that after less than two years at WFMY (Greensboro) Meteorologist Monique Robinson is headed out the door later this week. Virginia man wanted in Eden for felony charges, deputies say Jaxson Franklin, a Stokesdale Elementary School student, was critically injured March 30 when he was hit on NC 65. Several WFMY-TV employees said the station's management announced the firing to the staff, explaining only that the station intended for its news operation to go in a new direction.Kopald declined to be interviewed, and station manager Colleen Brown refused to comment on his situation, saying it was a personnel matter. This change that starts today will allow me to continue to heal and have a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. With . However, Judge Sylvia Matthews last week granted motions for summary judgment by the defendants to dismiss allegations of breach. He'll focus on the Smart Tour instead, but he could race in Tommy Neal's Sportsman car next month. Monique is a strong advocate for mentorship and science awareness among women and minorities. Tompkins said stations can refuse to renew an anchors contract for numerous reasons, including poor performance and low ratings. During her time in college, she was selected to participate in the schools Great Plains storm chase. After nearly ten years as a journalist, I've decided to step away from the lights and cameras and focus on family. They also are wondering whether Julie Luck is leaving WFMY-TV.
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