If the holder moves after its target moves, its accuracy will be boosted. An item to be held by a Pokmon. Have Gyarados hold it, and this stone will enable it to Mega Evolve during battle. An item to be held by a Pokmon. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. There is a limit to how much you can do this, with the recent limit being that the Vitamins only add to the first 100 Effort Values in the stat. Def stat of a single Pokmon. If a Pokmon holds one, its Sp. A Berry to be consumed by Pokmon. It slightly increases the base Speed stat of a single Pokmon. If an Ultra Beast is found, they may reveal it and add it to their hand, replacing the Prize card with Beast Ball. This very light stone reduces the weight of a Pokmon when held. If a Pokmon holds one, being hit by a supereffective attack will restore its HP. A flute made from yellow glass that snaps Pokmon out of confusion. An item to be held by a Pokmon. It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Primarinas Sparkling Aria to an exclusive Z-Move. It shines with a dazzling light. A fossil from a prehistoric Pokmon that once lived on the land. In Pokmon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, they were created through cooperation between the Aether Foundation and the Ultra Recon Squad. Contents 1 In the core series games 1.1 Price 1.2 Effect 1.2.1 Manual activation 1.2.2 Held item 1.3 Description An item that prevents any low-level wild Pokmon from jumping out at you for a while.
Serebii.net ItemDex - Heavy Ball It extends the duration of the terrain caused by the holders move or Ability. If a special attack hits the Pokmon holding it, the attacker will also be hurt. This medicine can restore 10 PP to each of the moves that have been learned by a Pokmon. The Old Chateaus hidden specialty. It wears off once the Pokmon is withdrawn. This medicine can fully restore the PP of a single selected move that has been learned by a Pokmon. One of a variety of mysterious Mega Stones. It burns as red as the evening sun. Mother Lusamine!, after riding the Naganadel to Ultra Megalopolis, she started throwing her Beast Balls at Necrozma.
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