Axial CTA images being obtained in a patient suspected for acute aortic syndrome and found to be in asystole with no cardiac output. This is similar to contrast attenuation in SVC. There is no solution to this artifact once acquired, but this can be avoided by using spiral instead of axial acquisitions. Correspondence to Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Test. The hepatic artery waveform has a low-resistance profile with broad systolic peaks, gradual deceleration from systole to diastole, and well-maintained Bonfiglio A, Leungchavaphongse K, Repetto R, Siggers JH.
(See also Overview of Vascular Disorders of the read more . The mesenteric arteries may have variant anatomy in approximately 20% of the population, which may lead to misinterpretation of Doppler examination findings. Insights Imaging 8, 127140 (2017). We showed that the entire liver circulatory architecture is deterministic. Conceptually, the liver vascularization can be seen as 2 trees matching canopy-to-canopy bathing a porous architecture made of lobules, as presented in Fig. In the simplest case we assume that the ducts have a round cross section of diameter d and length L. The pulsatile nature of blood flow in the hepatic artery network is classically expressed through an electrical impedance analogy. Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) refers to the effects of dynamic compression of the nerve, artery, and/or vein as these structures cross the thoracic outlet due to changes in arm position, typically induced by elevation of the arms [16]. Notice the altered pattern of contrast flow. Pattern of opacification of non target vessels can be useful in understanding the hemodynamic status of the patient and correctly identifying life threatening conditions such as tamponade, heart failure, and asystole. Two images from a CTPE study obtained in a patient with tricuspid atresia and bidirectional cavopulmonary connection demonstrate poor opacification of right pulmonary artery and non-enhancement of left pulmonary artery (a). WebLiver Vasculature. Two graphs are generated by the power injector, which plot the change in pressure over time and flow rate of the injection over time (3 A, B). The lobule is considered to be the liver functional unit, the elemental system.
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