God doesnt make mistakes. I to have been called I have been in training for sometime. We the true prophets of God are his mouth piece, which means that if he is not talking; neither should we. I see this in a vision and I knew God was showing me what she looked like in her mantle now. If you have been a farm boy, cowherd, shepherd, or pet sitter as a kid, and singing and making music in your youth and God made you a pastor, director or CEO of a large organization such as a church or a company, then you have been given the mantle of David and so on. Thank you so much for publishing this. As I was standing there a friend of mine not necessarily a brother but a long time friend, appeared to my left we were standing looking at the stadium walls when someone aske me if I could play the drums, I responded no but my friend parish has played all kinds of instruments and he could. So God is going to arrange the meeting. The prophet can never have his/her own mind, thought, or wisdom. The boy stepping in the hole was me taking that glass and falling through each floor was a level associated with the Lord somehow and I havent yet got a for sure word on this but as I was falling the Lord saw his son falling further and further away and becoming more broken with each floor I fell through, until I hit the very bottom where my wife was holding me and He showed that her holding my broken body and that was her praying, pleading and believing for my return. He would then give us strategy from scripture on how we were to handle our assignment. Blessings in the Name of the Lord Jesus! Position yourself. There is a lady that I know and the first time I heard her signing the Lord gave me a prophetic word for her. 2 INTRODUCTION The office and ministry of the Prophet continues to be as unpopular today as it was in the . The last reply(July 10th)This answered my questionI was told more than once about having the Mantle over me.And I know God has used me as a vessel to prophesy, and has taking me behind the veil when praying for someone; and has taken me deeper into the word of God, and given me different spiritual gifts, however this gift prophetic isnt always activated and I was wondering what i needed to do to always operate and hear from God, to operated in the office of a prophet.
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