His family, who have travelled to Byron Bay from Europe for the two-week inquest in the NSW coroners court, dont accept their cautious boy would do something so dangerous in the dark. EXCLUSIVE Revealed: Bungling road chiefs put drivers at greater risk on smart motorways because orange paint Scientists can now read your MIND: AI turns people's thoughts into text in real-time. But WhatsApp messages, very commonly used as the primary messaging app in Europe, are encrypted - meaning it's virtually impossible to find out what the texts said without one of the senders' phones. The family previously speculated that Tho encountered other people after leaving Cheeky Monkeys that night, and that he met with foul play. I think that we will never know (what happened to Theo) but I hope our situation, our story, is helpful to others, she told 60 Minutes. OSullivan told Byron Bay Local Court on Friday the inquest had shown significant legislative gaps, roadblocks and inconsistencies which impede missing persons investigations, and called for a comprehensive examination of the issues by both state and federal law reform commissions. See our Missing Persons Guide > Facebook Twitter Instagram 2020 MEDIA Cold case: Missing person Russell Martin is the feature of a new billboard placed at Coffee Palace Park Stawell The Wimmera Mail-Times, 15th November 2020 A LARGE billboard arrived. At 12.55am, he sent a message to his sister. Theo Hayez - Tarot of the Missing Theo is unhappy when Im feeling sad. During the inquest in 2021, it was reported there were no signs of pre-existing concerns that the teenager was at risk of death by suicide, and had no known troubles legally, personally and financially. Background. In May 2019, the Belgian national seemingly disappeared after he was kicked out of the Cheeky Monkeys a popular Byron Bay bar and nightclub for appearing intoxicated. Search for Belgian backpacker Theo Hayez led by 'inexperienced' police Google data suggests after being ejected from a bar in 2019, Hayez took a dark track through bushland towards the ocean at times walking quickly or running. He turned off the track into steep, dense bushland and ended up on the beach. The search began promptly after that, but unfortunately the trail was already growing cold. With dozens of beautiful beaches, great surf, and spiritual activities, it is easy to get sucked into Byrons laid-back vibe and lose touch with the outside world. His disappearance remains a mystery and, with celebrity town Byron Bay in the mix, one that has proven irresistible to the media. At the urging of locals and police, coroner Teresa OSullivan walked the Milne Track one night last year. The case of missing Belgian backpacker Theo Hayez and why it made a coroner cry, Catch up with The Loop, your quick wrap of this morning's news. According to police, staff at the venue had asked him to leave because "he Already getting in the party mood! He had reportedly been apprehensive about the trip initially, wondering whether it was worth delaying his engineering studies for.
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