With their auto stolen, the two settle into ranch life. What is Rock 92 Chris Kelly's real name? Chris Demm has been half of the radio duo 2 Guys Named Chris on Rock 92 for 15 years. 2 Guys Named Chris | Get Your Morning Started If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. RADIO ONLINE | Monday, February 8, 2021 Syndicated morning show "2 Guys Named Chris" (2GNC) expands into Raleigh on Curtis Media's Rock 92.9 (W225DF) beginning Monday. You can keep up with James on her Facebook page, www.facebook.com/deidrejames08, where she added about her departure from the show, it was a great ride and no hard feelings, just new path for me.. 2 Guys Named Chris: A Christmas Message from Biggie - YouTube document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Winston-Salem woman shot and wounded in a drive-by shooting Saturday afternoon, Gun, drugs thrown from car in police chase in Winston-Salem, Accused wrong-way driver in Winston-Salem is charged with four counts of death by motor vehicle, Jonathan Brown won't race in Modified Division this year at Bowman Gray Stadium, A Winston-Salem woman wins more than $279,000 in state lottery, Chris Fleming, The Show Stopper, shows he's still got plenty left in the tank at Bowman Gray Stadium, Dr. Anne White arrested on identity theft charge, Wake Forest lands talented guard Hunter Sallis of Gonzaga from the transfer portal, Three dead in violent crimes since last Saturday in Winston-Salem, Family members of slain Winston-Salem woman call on community to come forward and help police crack case, Student misbehavior rises further since the return of in-person classes, study says. The album is also notable for its use of autotune, which many critics took as superfluous, considering the group is known almost entirely for their singing voices. Reviews were mixed, and sales were far lower than Cooleyhighharmony or II. You have entered an incorrect email address! Q: Is Deidre James coming back to the 2 Guys Named Chris show? Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Their success earned them a spot as an opener for MC Hammers 2 Legit 2 Quit tour. Its thirteen weeks at the top set a new record for longest contiguous stretch at #1. According to a report from the Better Business Bureau, there may be a reason for it: With many people rejecting calls from unfamiliar numbers, scammers are increasingly posing as familiar businesses, government organizations or people. Sumner doesnt judge. | Did you miss your favorite 2 Guys Named Chris segment this morning? Kimberly Van Scoy spent some time with Rock 92's morning show, titled Two Guys Named Chris, and tells the story of how two of the members are losing weight to improve their health. Deidre James to take leave from Rock 92 - Greensboro News and Record
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