The fungus, which feeds on dead cells, is not actually a wormthe name originated from the classic round red target-shaped lesion surrounded by a scaly ring mostly seen in humans with ringworm. The two conditions are similar because they both cause round or coin-shaped lesions on your skin. This common and contagious skin infection gets its name from the red, itchy, ring-shaped skin plaque (a type of scaly rash). There are several tests that can be performed to help diagnoses ringworm in cats: Woods light: This is a fluorescent lamp. The most common way to treat ringworm in dogs is to use a combination of topical therapy (application of creams, ointments, or shampoos) and systemic therapy (administration of anti-fungal drugs by mouth). Accessed Aug. 12, 2019. Groin, inner . Dermatophytosis - Wikipedia It can be spread in the following ways: You're at higher risk of ringworm of the body if you: A fungal infection rarely spreads below the surface of the skin to cause serious illness. Ringworm fungus wont affect your pregnancy. Its also a good idea to wash items such as bedding a couple of times a week while your pet is being treated to continue keeping your cats environment decontaminated. Stages of Ringworm Healing - See What Stage You're In and What's Next Daily is best! Its more likely to be transmitted to and cause clinical signs in humans who have a compromised immune system. Lets cover the stages of healing so you can get an idea of where you might be in the process and then well cover some other FAQs about ringworm. How Long Is Ringworm Contagious If Treated vs. Untreated? - Healthline Should I (or my child) stay home from work/school until the ringworm infection is gone? Having unsanitary neighbors can be a nuisance, especially if their house is infested with roaches. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Centers for Disease Control, Ringworm, The Mayo Clinic, Ringworm, World Health Organization, Dermatophyte infections, Stoppler, Melissa C., Dr. Ringworm MedicineNet, How to Get Rid of Roaches Coming from Neighbors: House or Apartment.
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