Treatment of labral tears often begins with a period of relative rest, use of anti-inflammatory medications, a course of physical therapy to strengthen hip and core musculature, and consideration of therapeutic injections. Labral tears are typically caused by overuse, traumatic injuries or abnormalities in the shape or alignment of the hip bones. As a dancer, Tylar always got regular X-rays, but her scans showed no abnormalities. This content does not have an English version. Active adults between the ages of 20 and 40 are affected most often, requiring some type of treatment in order to stay active and functional. In those circumstances, either removal or replacement of the labral tissue in the form of reconstruction may be more appropriate options (for more information regarding this new technique see: Hip labral tear - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic Some people are born with hip issues that can accelerate wear and tear of the joint and eventually cause a hip labral tear. A labral tear is a tear of this cartilage. other information we have about you. A magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) can provide detailed images of your hip's soft tissues. The goal of surgery is to improve hip stability, function, and range-of-motion; decrease hip pain; and prevent additional damage to the hip joint., RunStrong: The Single Leg Romanian Deadlift. A bony prominence of the edge of the femur, or ball portion of the joint, referred to as a cam deformity can also lead to tearing of the labrum. What is anterior superior acetabular labrum? information is beneficial, we may combine your email and website usage information with Patients who undergo arthroscopic repair can expect shorter recovery times and less pain. If your job puts significant stress on the hip, you can work with your physical therapists to determine a safe return date or discuss job modifications with your employer to allow you to ease back into work as you recover. The hip labrum is essential to a well-functioning, healthy hip. This content does not have an Arabic version. If we combine this information with your protected When the leg bends, internally rotates, and moves toward the body, the bone of the femoral neck butts up against the acetabular rim pinching the labrum between the femoral neck and the acetabular rim. Certain athletes are at a higher risk of hip labral tear, like soccer, football, hockey and golf players, as well as ballerinas. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Doctor's Assistant: The Doctor can help. The surgeon actually watches the TV screen (not the hip) while moving the arthroscope to different places inside the hip joint and bursa. For example, a tear could decrease the acetabular contact . Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center.
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