It offers Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) which allows you to get your medicines with out the need of paper prescription. Contact. There were adequate systems to assess, monitor and manage risks to patient safety in most cases. GMC Number - 6147727. The way the practice was led and managed promoted the delivery of high quality, person-centred care and an inclusive, supportive environment for staff. Offset My CO2. Further Information. Browser Support Westcroft Health Centre Prescriptions and Medicines Centre How can we help you? At least one standard in this area was not being met when we inspected the service and Opening Hours: Weekdays: 06:30-23:00 Saturday: 08:00-20:00 Sunday: 08:00-20:00 Address: Westcroft Leisure Centre Westcroft Road Carshalton SM5 2TG Favourite . If this service has not had a CQC inspection since it registered with us, our judgement may be based on our assessment of declarations and evidence supplied by the service. Westcroft Health Centre 1 Savill Lane, Westcroft, Milton Keynes, MK4 4EN Tel. Your treatment plan will be discussed with you and may include a variety of treatment options, to help you to return to your usual activities.
Westcroft Leisure Centre - Active UK The practice involved the public, staff and external partners to sustain high quality and sustainable care. To use this service you will need a username and password which can only be supplied by a member of staff. Westcroft Health Centre 1 Savill Lane Westcroft Milton Keynes MK4 4EN. We recommend using one of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari. Absolutely dreadful you cant get appointments for anything. The phone number from Westcroft Health Centre is: +441908520545. Website Book Online Email Open in Maps 0208 669 8666. We carried out an announced inspection at Westcroft Health Centre on 24 November 2022. The practice holds a General Medical Services (GMS) contract for providing services, which is a nationally agreed contract between general practices and NHS England for delivering general medical services to local communities. Address: 1 Savill Ln Westcroft Milton Keynes MK4 4EN, The address of Westcroft Health Centre is as follows: 1 Savill Ln Westcroft Milton Keynes MK4 4EN, The phone number from Westcroft Health Centre is: +441908520545. Westcroft Health Centre has not yet replied. Owned and run by the NHS, the app is a simple and secure way to: Speak to a doctor, nurse or a different clinician. To use this service you will need a username and password which can only be supplied by a member of staff. The practice is a member of a local Primary Care Network. Sports. Therefore we recommend you wear suitable loose fitting clothing, such as t-shirt, shorts, jogging bottoms and underwear that you are comfortable being assessed in. Address 13310 111 Avenue NW Edmonton, Alberta T5M 2M7. Treatment of disease, disorder or injury. Advanced MSK Clinician a clinician with specialist orthopaedic or rehabilitation skills, Consultant MSK Clinician a clinician with expertspecialist orthopaedic or rehabilitation skills, Pain Specialist a clinician that has specialised in pain that persists. Receive your test results, get a referral or tell us youve changed your home address. Click here to leave feedback! The practice population is largely white British, with less than 25% of the practice population being from Black and Minority Ethnicity backgrounds.
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