Like "on click", etc. That's why a second struct with raw types is defined. Before engaging in scraping activities of any kind you should consult your legal advisors and carefully read the particular website's terms of service or receive a scraping license. For this, I use Shell function and DOS commands to achieve automation of opening and closing Edge browser. Where are you hosting your code? I have created a dedicated Git with a demo file to this method here: I spawn one browser window. I tried sendkeys, but I can't figure out, how I can fill in the form with username and password. Please see my experiences to use Win API on Edge browser webpage automation : Place the following codes in a new blank module. I found out an alternative method that allows HTMLDocuments and/or UIAutomation Windows API libraries that does NOT require Edge IEMode, Selenium, or Webdriver. There are a few application examples for you. Enter the variable name and put a dot to see the IntelliSense list. It was first released for Windows 10 and Xbox One in 2015, and later for Android and iOS in 2017.
PS I will be sending the worksheet out to other users so it needs to be able to work on their PC and not just mine. Give a try with the CDP method I mentioned above. If owIE Is Nothing Then Now, this will tell about the website description and also shows the website address. Navigate to the Microsoft Edge Driver downloads page and download the driver that matches your Edge version number (edge://settings/help), Download a language-specific client driver to translate your code (Python, Java, C#, Ruby, JavaScript) into commands the Microsoft Edge Driver runs in Microsoft Edge (Chromium). Win Upgrade + Registry Fix Your Windows version needs to be at least 20H2. Still have some issues MsgBox "No IE", vbCritical First, select the table in Excel. You are free to use this image on your website, templates, etc, Please provide us with an attribution linkHow to Provide Attribution?Article Link to be HyperlinkedFor eg:Source: VBA Web Scraping (
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