~, Attorney Edmund Jelinski, Menasha, Wisconsin, "I am fortunate to know Carey Reed as both a friend and a mentor. He will make an outstanding Judge." We want to make sure you are aware so that you can have an appropriate discussion with your client prior to and during the determination whether to proceed to a plea and/or sentencing. He is the most skilled and experienced candidate to serve Calumet County." It is for these reasons, I am pleased to express my support of Attorney Reed for Calumet County Circuit Court Judge." When she said she corrected the report? During the week of Aug. 15-22, a total of 113 tests were scheduled. In the final report, which was sent to the district attorney for charging, part of a line was removed. Transportation Coordinating Committee Minutes Thursday, ", ~Attorney William J. Hammett, Neenah, Wisconsin, "Carey Reed and I go back more than a dozen years, having practiced law closely - collaborating together on some cases and on opposite sides. - Outagamie). What type of corrections do you make? Drury asked her. WebCurrent Inmate List, by Name Page 5 of 10 rpjlcil.x2 04/30/2315:00:02 InmateID Name Sex Race Time Incarcerated Location Classif 241815 JANSSEN,MATTHEWDAVID M W 14:00:5904/24/23 JAIL-3RDFLOORJAIL-3RDDPOD-3D He was first elected in 2000. He and I have hiked some beautiful Midwestern settings and share not only a love for the great outdoors, but also a passion for justice with fairness for all. I do not put this kind of trust in just anyone. While Attorney Reed has been successful in private practice, it is a testament to his character that he is seeking to leave the private world to make a difference as a public servant. The officer was made aware of the correction to the report and was in agreement with the correction. This will be my mission as judge. Waupaca County sheriff responds on altered reports According to testimony, when a detective discovered this and told the original deputy working the case, that deputy said he didnt know his report had been changed. Carey Reed does not get bogged down with petty sniping, win-at-all-costs gamesmanship, and the other negative attributes often associated with this area of the law. Waupaca
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