For example, the charge for a tow hitch added to a vehicle prior to delivery is subject to the motor vehicle sales/lease tax. Let us know in a single click. Login to License eXpress | Office Locations | Forms, Access to DOL Services | Privacy | Conditions of Use | Copyright 2023. Required fields are marked *, What Are The Four Characteristics Of A Good Tax? The statewide motor vehicle surtax or 0.03% has been collected since 2003, applies to all retail sales, leases and transfers of motor vehicles and is used to finance transportation improvements. For example, a $1,000 cash rebate may be offered on a $10,000 car, meaning that the out of pocket cost to the buyer is $9,000. Visit for If your. How do I pay the tax? The 2021 Washington state sales tax rate of 6.5%, plus a 0.3% motor vehicle sales / lease tax, the state tax levied on the purchase or lease of all vehicles is 6.8%. If sales tax was not paid at the time of purchase, use tax applies at the time the vehicle is registered with the Department of Licensing. Nebraska driver and vehicle record resources. Motor Vehicle Registration General InfoRegistration Fees and TaxesMotorboatsFederal Heavy Use TaxRefunds and CreditsNon-ResidentSnowmobileStorage and Non-UseVehicles Exempt from RegistrationTowing TrailersInsurance RequirementsNebraska Motor Vehicle Registration Totals, Motor Vehicle TitlesMotorboat TitlesDuplicate Certificate of TitleJunked TitleMutilated TitleNon-Resident Request for Nebraska Certificate of TitleOut-of-State TitlesRepossession TitlesSalvage TitlesTitle Name Changes, Assigned IDCar ClubDepartment of Revenue Current Local Sales and Use Tax Rates, Vehicles Towed from Private Property/Vehicles Left Unattended on Private Property, Transfer of OwnershipOdometer CertificationsVehicle Inspections. We read every comment. You may also be interested in printing a Washington sales tax table for easy calculation of sales taxes when you can't access this calculator. Included in your yearly registration renewal cost is a $5.00 donation to Washington State Parks. The MSRP on a vehicle is set by the manufacturer and can never be changed. For a breakdown of fees charged and collected by the Department of Licensing, please click here. For a list of TBD areas and fees, click here. Washington has state also allows local governments to collect a local option sales tax of up to 4.00%. Before you choose to purchase a vehicle, it's important to be aware of the ins and outs of vehicle sales tax and everything associated with it.
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