A Taurus woman likes to maintain a constant sense of calm and peace in her environment. Buy quality, timeless gifts, nothing cheap or trendy. Being practical, this woman will look for a good value on purchases, but wont sacrifice quality to save a few pennies. They might seem troublesome in the beginning. Taureans can sometimes be in love with blinkers on and be completely focused on their love life. They have a reputation for making decisions based on their results. Venus in Leo and Aquarius in the 7th house He has an appetite and likes a woman with voluptuous curves in all the right places that he can take his time and enjoy. They have great regard for comfort and practicality. These individuals are not highly intimate or affectionate, but can certainly be very open-minded when it comes to sex, courtship, experimentation, and dating. This article was originally published at Elite Daily. Taurus Venus may seem conventional, but they have a strong sense of commitment. Taurus seeks a secure relationship. Venus in Gemini causes a person to place communication as a top priority in relationships. She will spare no expense on her hair, loving anything that is fragranced and that gives her hair more volume. People with this placement tend to be bold and vibrant, hungry for love and passion. To make a Venus in Taurus feel loved, avoid pushing them in love, give them plenty of time. He likes escaping into your fantasy world as well as taking you to his. Characteristics of the bull include a well-rounded face with sensual lips. As an earth sign, Taurus women enjoy their comfort the most. The appetite for sensual gratification extends to the bedroom, where Taurus Venus treats intimacy with the same care a chef uses when preparing a fine meal. She will endure through everything if they deem it worth their efforts. Like many famous personalities of this sign. Their romanticism and level of commitment to intimacy are unmatched. Taurus women like men who are very masculine and independent. Anna Howard is a passionate astrologer who runs the popular blog "Elemental Astrology". Get the full scoop with a Love Styles: About Her Report. She has broad shoulders with medium to tall height. Taurus rules the throat, and Taurus women tend to have musical and melodious voices. If so, I have some information that will help you discover why your pastrelationshipdidn't work out.
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