We accept 3-5 letters from candidates. For first-year applicants, we offer interviews with alumni as an optional component of the application process. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing is ranked as the #6 graduate school of nursing for its MSN and #13 for its DNP, according to U.S. News & World Report. Required Prerequisites Required Prerequisites The application process at MUSC is a competitive process based on several factors, including but not limited to, previous academic performance, relative course work, experiences in the specific field of study, and interviews. State your full name and that you are requesting a deferral. Here's a summary of why we're so much more effective than other prep programs: There's a lot more to PrepScholar that makes it the best SAT/ACT prep program. Possess excellent verbal and written communication skills in the English. ), samples of creative writing, and computer-generated imagery are all acceptable forms of work, but portfolios containing drawings, prints, sculpture, and photographs are preferred. In addition, students must possess the integrity, intelligence and personal and emotional characteristics to become an effective healthcare professional. The following are examples of foreign transcript and degree evaluators. Individuals with confirmed positive TB tests will need a chest x-ray within 6 months of your start date. Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt University and the Vanderbilt logos are trademarks of The Vanderbilt University. Accessibility information. Completion of the following prerequisite coursework: Biology: First full year, 8 credit hours, 2 semesters with labs, Chemistry: First full year, 8 credit hours, 2 semesters with lab, Physics: First full year, 8 credit hours, 2 semesters with labs, Human Anatomy and Physiology: 8 credit hours, 2 semesters with labs, Biochemistry or Microbiology: 4 credit hours with lab, Cumulative GPA of 3.0 in the prerequisite courses. It is highly recommended that candidates applying to the School of Engineering have taken calculus, calculus-based physics, and chemistry. to other Vanderbilt alumni and students. In particular, many Vanderbilt students find that the pre-architecture curriculum fits easily with a major or minor in History of Art, Studio Art, or Theatre. Because Vanderbilt receives so many more applications from highly qualified and capable students than there are available positions in the class, some students in whom the admission committee is very interested will receive an offer to join the waitlist. SAT II scores are not required but will be evaluated. Physics 1501/1502 AND Physics 1501L/1502L lab OR Physics 1601/1602 lab and Physics 1601L/1602L lab OR higher one-year sequence in Physics, ARTS 1102 Drawing & CompositionARTS 1101 Introduction to Studio ArtARTS 2100 Drawing & Composition ARTS 3100 Drawing & Composition ARTS 1503 Text and ImageARTS 1401 Sculptural CeramicsARTS 1500 SculptureARTS 1501 AssemblageARTS 1502 Installation ArtARTS 1300 Painting I ARTS 2300 Painting IIARTS 3300 Painting III ARTS 1600 Printmaking: Relief & Intaglio ARTS 1601 Printmaking: Screen Printing and LithographyARTS 2600 Printmaking IIARTS 3600 Printmaking IIIARTS 1200 Photography IARTS 1202 Digital ImagingARTS 2202 Digital Imaging IIARTS 2200 Photography II ARTS 3200 Photography III ARTS 1700 Video Art IARTS 2700 Video ART II, Please note that the History of Art Department offers a minor in the History of ArchitectureHART 1100 History of Western Art (Ancient to Medieval)HART 1105 History of Western Art II (Renaissance to Modern)HART 1120 History of Western ArchitectureHART 1111 First-Year Writing SeminarHART 1200 Arts of East AsiaHART 1220 History of Asian ArchitectureHART 3274 Art of Empire from Constantine to JustinianHART 2270 Early Christian and Byzantine Art, HART 2285 Medieval ArtHART 2650 19th - Century Architecture: Theory and PracticeHART 2720 Modern ArchitectureHART 2722 Modern Art & Architecture in ParisHART 3172 Himalayan Art: Art of the Divine AbodeHART 3174 The South Asian TempleHART 3112 The Arts of China during the Liao-Song PeriodHART 2150 East Asian Architecture & GardensHART 2110 Arts of ChinaHART 2130 Arts of JapanHART 2220 Greek Art & ArchitectureHART 3252 Cities of the Roman EastHART 2210 Art & Architecture of Ancient EgyptHART 2780 History of Western UrbanismHART 2782 History of Landscape Design, CLAS 2200 Archaic and Classical Greek Art & ArchitectureCLAS 2250 Roman Art & ArchitectureCLAS 3200 The Greek CityCLAS 3210 The Archaeology of Greek Sanctuaries, RLST 3669 Sacred Space in the Tibetan World, ENGL 1280 Beginning Fiction WorkshopENGL 1290 Beginning Poetry WorkshopENGL 3230 Intermediate Fiction WorkshopENGL 3250 Intermediate Poetry WorkshopENGL 3694 America on Film: Art & IdeologyENGL 3730 Literature and the Environment, CMA 1500 Fundamentals of Film and Video ProductionCMA 1600 Introduction to the Study of FilmCMA 2100 Intermediate Nonfiction Filmmaking: Alternate FormsCMA 2200 Intermediate Filmmaking: The Fiction FilmCMA 2500W ScreenwritingCMA 2600W Advanced ScreenwritingCMA 3891 Special Topics in Film and Video Production, Vanderbilt University is committed to principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action.
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