Plebe Information Congratulations Class of 2026! The first third of your USNA experience is the six weeks of Plebe Summer. They don't care how you got there but the Plebe will be ultra stressed and watching the clock. Additional details regarding gate access and shuttles for May 17 will be available in the coming weeks. in the Permit to Report Package that will be sent via email and be completed online.
Visit - USNA :: United States Naval Academy Cmon blackjack! https://www.usna.edu/PlebeParentsWeekend/. Volunteer for I-Day. The Parent Briefing session times are: There will also be a brief session from the Alumni Association before the Superintendents briefings. USNA Admissions United States Naval Academy Welcome to the Class of 2026 Congratulations to the Class of 2026! Congratulations Class of 2026 Appointees, Naval Academy Preparatory School Students, and Foundation Scholars. xMk@9Js?jK 9j)C}G.Km}e=;qn"pyu/p
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3|3-5 West Point Plebe Parent Weekend for the Class of 2026 03|TBD West Point Society of North Texas is hosting a Founders Day Dinner Event. Fill out the form above and receive our 2022 I-Day . stream
from around the world. There will be a break-out session for Plebes to speak with Midshipmen and Parents to talk with Parents. Our Parents Club plans to have a Welcome Table under the Big Tent on I Day to welcome new parents from Southern California as they navigate life as a USNA Parent. There will be a Plebe Parent Information Fair open from 0900 to 1500 on the Yard each Day, and all family members are welcome to attend. If parents already mailed in their forms for the base access card (DBiDS) or plan on bringing it on I-Day, the security office will NOT be issuing DBiDS cards on this Day. Read more Featured (Brian Krista/Capital Gazette), Darby Graham of El Paso receives long awaited hugs from her parents, Heather and Mike, as they are reunited at the conclusion of Plebe Summer. All Plebes will be required to form back at approximately 2000. Our Parents Club plans to have a Welcome Table under the Big Tent on I Day to welcome new parents from Southern California as they navigate life as a USNA Parent.
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