Section IV-369 - Waiver of Overpayment Recovery, La. Admin - Casetext This can lead to a household financial crisis if workers are later required to pay the benefits back. Why does the letter say "Fraud" or "Non-Fraud"? When the state thinks it paid you money by mistake, it's called an "overpayment." However, it may take states up to a year to issue the money, according to a memo issued Wednesday by the U.S. Labor Department. The ETA Handbook 401 defines a Waiver as a "non-fraud overpayment for which the state agency, in accordance with state law, officially relinquishes the obligation of the claimant to repay." It further states that a "state may authorize a waiver when or if the overpayment was not the fault of the claimant and requiring repayment would be against equity and good . Maybe. BATON ROUGE - There's a new concern for people on unemployment in Louisiana. An example of just cause is if the Agency did not provide this form for you to fill out. Box 94094 If you get a notice from Louisiana Workforce Commission asking for money to pay it back: You agree with the overpayment and want to pay the money back. Workers may be able to avoid repaying the benefits by challenging the overpayment determination or seeking an overpayment waiver. | Find Legal Help Here Learn more by viewing our site disclaimer. At the hearing you will have the opportunity to explain why the overpayment is incorrect or why the amount the State claims that you need to repay is incorrect. During periods of high unemployment, the Extended Unemployment Compensation
Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. go over your entire record of documents and proof submitted regarding your unemployment claim and overpayment. If workers successfully appeal the fraud determination, or if there is no initial finding of fraud (fraud-based overpayments can never be waived), workers may be able to avoid paying back the benefits by seeking an overpayment waiver.
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