What type of information should the warning convey? e. KCl\mathrm{KCl}KCl We also note that school buses of all sizes offer passengers compartmentalization protection to reduce the risk of crash injury, even to the unbelted. WebIn 2018, 803 unbelted rear seat passenger vehicle occupants age eight and older died in traffic crashes in the United States. Would the warning be distinguishable from other alerts that are provided to the driver? Follow the online instructions for accessing the dockets. 1503 & 1507. documents in the last year, 19 You may read the comments received by the docket at the address given above under ADDRESSES. Unattended vehicles shall be parked with the drivers side facing the aircraft and so it will not interfere with aircraft being towed or taxied. Repeated violations are cause for disciplinary action, which may include suspension and/or dismissal.5. Seat belts will be worn by all occupants, at all times.6. The ECE regulations allow the rear seat belt warning system to incorporate a short-term and/or a long-term deactivation feature for the audible change-of-status warning. ______ of traffic fatalities occur within 25 miles of home and below 40 mph. 208, see Stephen R. Kratzke. Should the warning be standardized, and would this increase the likelihood that consumers would notice, recognize, and respond to the warnings? Should the criteria Start Printed Page 51085take into account the presence of child restraint systems? These markup elements allow the user to see how the document follows the See Transportation Research Board Study, supra, p. 31 n.3. [28] 0000057688 00000 n These included warning systems that had only the minimum features required by FMVSS No. 0000031853 00000 n Counts are subject to sampling, reprocessing and revision (up or down) throughout the day. Minimum duration. Unrestrained passenger vehicle occupant fatalities up 14% Motorcyclist fatalities up 11% (highest number since first data collection in 1975) Bicyclist fatalities up 9.2% (highest number since 1987) Passenger car occupant fatalities up 9% Fatalities in urban areas up 8.5% Pedestrian fatalities up 3.9% (highest number since 1989) NHTSA's research suggests that there is an inherent trade-off between effectiveness and acceptability. [19], The standard currently requires a seat belt warning for the driver's seat belt on passenger cars;[20] Should NHTSA consider the same seat occupancy criteria specified in FMVSS No. NHTSA also seeks comment on whether there are alternative warning systems that would convey alternative or additional information to the driver (or rear passengers).
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