The world is in the digital era. The first compass was invented in China during the Han dynasty between the 2nd Century B.C. 10. Its so silly, theyre all fighting over who invented TV, when they actually did it together. How Do Esports Companies Compare with Sports Teams? Fire also provided some protection against predators. obj.pause(); Finland has the highest score for the number of scientists and engineers, while Germany is top for company spending on R&D. The quality of Dutch scientific research institutions boosts the Netherlands' innovation score the most. Environment. Here are some examples of great German inventions: Airbag, Aspirin, Automobile, Bacteriology, Beer, Chipcard, C-Leg, Ecoflex Plastic, Glider, Gummi Bear, Helicopter, Jet Engine, MP3 Format, Nuclear Fission, Nylon Plug, Radio-controlled Watch, Record Player, Scanner, Small Format Camera, Social Legislation, Tape recorder, Theory of Relativity, The Pill, Toothpaste, Wiener sausage, X-ray technology.
These Are the 10 Most Innovative Countries, Bloomberg Says The top 10 countries for scientific research in 2018 Stefano Bianchetti / Contributor / Getty Images. A year later, a group of physicians took the earliest X-rays on patients (opens in new tab). In 1913, American engineer Fred Wolf invented the first domestic refrigerator, and as demand for fresh produce grew, so did the number of households with refrigerators. What makes an invention out of a finding is awarding it a purpose. "The stroke of brilliance was the wheel-and-axle concept," Anthony previously told Live Science. The size of the axle was also a critical factor, as was its snugness inside the hole (not too tight, but not too loose, either). Nuclear energy was first discovered in the 1930s by Italian physicist Enrico Fermi (opens in new tab), who found that bombarding atoms with neutrons could split them, generating huge amounts of energy. Modern variations on Plant's rechargeable lead-acid battery (opens in new tab) are still used in cars today.
10 Countries with Most Inventions Per Capita in the World A patent is an exclusive right granted to a new invention that's non-obvious and useful in providing a new way of doing things or a technical solution to a problem. See, when I say foundation, I mean it literally. That also used to be a novelty. Video: The Global Innovation Index (GII) takes the pulse of the most recent global innovation trends. Top 10 Countries with the Most Inventions in the World #infinitedata #inventions . Franciscan friar and Oxford University scholar Roger Bacon first developed the magnifying glass in 1268.
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