The cost of tolls on Throgs Neck Bridge is among the most expensive of US tolls along with George Washington Bridge, Verrazano Bridge, Bayonne Bridge etc. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Who wrote the music and lyrics for Kinky Boots? (Eastbound only) As of January 5, 2020: Cars $16.00 (cash) $13.75 for Peak (E-ZPass) $11.75 for Off-peak (E-ZPass). The US interchange is designed to optimize traffic. Many tourists note that Virginia has a developed transport infrastructure. 19. Should the rebate program end for any reason, the crossing charge for qualifying E-ZPass accountswill be charged a $3.68toll. Tolls on the Gov. The best way to get thelowest tollrateisto sign up foranE-ZPassaccountwith the New York CustomerService Center. What are some examples of how providers can receive incentives? When calculating a toll, the following options will be available in the calculator's drop-down menu: 2009 - 2023 Turnpike Information Company: The Turnpike AuthorityRemember: Go Online Before You Go On The Road!, 2009 - 2023 TURNPIKE INFORMATION COMPANY. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Clearly, E-ZPass NY is the preferred toll payment method for the Throgs Neck Bridge. Bronx-Whitestone Bridge Hugh L. Carey Tunnel Cross Bay Veterans Memorial Bridge Henry Hudson Bridge (No trucks permitted) Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge Queens Midtown Tunnel Robert F. Kennedy Bridge Throgs Neck Bridge Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge: The entire New York State Thruway New Rochelle Barrier Yonkers Barrier Gov.
How Much is Collected At Toll Booths Every Day? $65 - $95. If the toll rates for the bridges are not the latest, feel free to suggest the updated toll rates. Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority law enforcement personnel patrol the MTA's seven bridges and two tunnels. We work with government agencies to provide you with accurate information. 0000003229 00000 n
This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Download the Tolls NY app for Android phones, Height Restrictions, Weight Restrictions, and Procedures for Over-Denominational Vehicles on MTA crossings, Interim President, MTA Bridges and Tunnels, Pay a toll you received via mail or email, More information on Mid-Tier Rate, Tag Mounting, etc, Queens Midtown Tunnel single lane closures, Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge upper level lane closure, Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge, Free and independent toll-problem assistance, 2019 Support to Mass Transit: $1.139 billion. 0000145674 00000 n
If there is no need to hurry, you may use the usual roads. They accept both cash and non-cash payments. 2E-ZPass rates apply to NYCSCE-ZPass customers only. NOTICE: Every effort is made to provide you the official current, accurate tolls for the roadway you are traveling. Download the app today and enjoy your drive. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.
Bridges and Tunnels Tolls - MTA When the Brooklyn Bridge first opened, it cost a penny to cross by foot, 5 cents for a horse and rider and 10 cents for a horse and wagon. The bridge runs along the Belt Parkway and is east of Cryder's Point. There are several ways to pay tolls in New York City: E-ZPass, Tolls by Mail, and Pay Toll Now. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance".
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