What is the most unusual feature of the contender? Then I began laying bullets right into the bullseyes and, more importantly, into the vital zones of four deer and one hog, all five of which dropped with a single shot. What is the difference between Thompson Contender G1 and G2? 3. This in turn eliminated noise while in the hunting enviroment where that noise could, would and did spook game. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. But it was used and did not come with a manual. How many times should a shock absorber bounce? Come join the discussion about optics, hand casting bullets, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! For example, the Thompson Contender single shot pistol, when equipped or possessed with a combination . What is the difference between Thompson Contender G1 and G2? contender vs g2 vs encore -help! | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum Sharps Bros Prototype T/C Contender Grip/Picatinny Stock Adapter The G2 is essentially a scaled down Encore frame with the ability to handle the G1 barrels, but with a new trigger assembly and new grip and updated metallurgy. Review: Thompson Center Contender as a Multi-Caliber Bug-Out Gun Shop Current Inventory. Though many T/Cs are topped with scopes a testament to their long-range accuracy potential this one retains its adjustable iron sights. Description . The Thompson/Center Contenderis a break-actionsingle-shotpistolor riflethat was introduced in 1967 by Thompson/Center Arms. You never know what might happen on here. I have owned all three models and still have model #2 and #3 wish I still had model # 1 as it is worth double what any of the three newer ones are worth. Sellers with highest buyer ratings; I for one cannot see how this will help the shooters, but there it is. I also have a couple of Encore pistols, they are mechanically similar to the G2. Welcome top the wonderful world of Contenders. Will Contender G2 barrels fit on Contender (g1?) If the hammer was manually lowered all three models had to be opened and closed to recock. Anyway, I remembered that .22 CB are quiet out of long barrels (namely 24-26"), but, since I could possibly have one made at any length, does anyone know what length they become silent enough that you don't have to be too concerned about hearing protection? If the hammer was manually lowered all three models had to be opened and closed to recock. Also, I assume a single shot chamber would work like a revolver chamber and that a .22 LR will also fire .22 Short and Long, right?
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