Piston-type afterburning[clarification needed] is also believed to occur in such structures, as flame-fronts accelerate through it.[24]. Further from the blast zone, pressure can break bones, dislocate eyes, cause internal haemorrhaging . Comb. A significant part of the effect of weapons like the MOAB is said to be psychological - to instil terror by the massive force of the blast. In 1998 India tested a "thermonuclear device . The enormous explosive power comes about because these bombs do not mix and transport an oxidizer into the explosive. Russia has around 6,000 nuclear weapons and an escalation of conflict could result in their use either deliberately or inadvertently during the fog of war. The area has been under fire for weeks and dozens of civilian deaths have been confirmed. In 2007, Russia tested the FOAB which is a thermobaric bomb with a destruction radius of nearly 1,000 feet and a blast yield of nearly 44 tons of TNT. These weapons were first used in the latter years of the Soviet-Aghan War, though the full extent of their destructive potential was revealed during the Second Chechen War. used thermobaric weapons and cluster bombs. Will Thermobaric Weapons Overwhelm the Military Health System? Accidental unconfined vapor cloud explosions now happen most often in partially or completely empty oil tankers, refinery tanks, and vessels, such as the Buncefield fire in the United Kingdom in 2005, where the blast wave woke people 150 kilometres (93mi) from its center. [41][42] The RShG-1 and the RShG-2 are thermobaric variants of the RPG-27 and RPG-26 respectively. The blast wave generated by these explosives is longer and more intense than traditional bombs. In all likelihood, many civilians would be killed if such bombs were used in any city. The missiles are filled with a highly explosive fuel and chemical mix, which, on exploding can cause supersonic blast waves . The use of such weapons, which suck in oxygen from the surrounding air to generate a high-temperature explosion, has yet to be independently confirmed, though footage from Ukraine has shown thermobaric rocket launchers on Russias TOS-1 vehicles. Thermobaric weapons only double the volume or increase the lethal blast radius by 1/3 compared to an equal weight of HE, and they do it at the expense of .
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