The Louds' actions in "No Such Luck" being unraveled causes a, Upon finding out about their actions in "No Such Luck", Albert is, Lily having to choose whether to sit with Lincoln or the rest of their family in. two weeks after the luck ordeal while at the beach, Luna found him passed out from a heat stroke. I always used to think you were mature and caring and sensible. Ronnie Anne sees Lincoln kicked out of his home and decides to take him out of there. Whats with all the stupid insults? What makes you guys so much better than me!? Luna: Forget teasing Lincoln! (Then Lynn screamed at the top of her lungs as it transits back to The Loud House, in Lynn and Lucy's room, where Lynn was still screaming, then she started panting. "Spider-Linc"/"Disaster System" - After the events of "Along Came a Sister", Lincoln tries to save Leni from a spider invasion in her room./After the events of "Back in Black", Lincoln gives his sisters the silent treatment after he gets an F from his destroyed project. I’ll stay here with our guests. Rita: GIRLS!!! *Lincoln kisses his baby sister on the forehead, making her giggle even more.*. Lincoln and Lori were taught Spanish by the Casagrandes (mainly Rosa) so they could connect with them more. "/"Angry Loud" - Leni wants to be an ARGGH fan like Lincoln./Lincoln becomes an aggressive bully, and his sisters have to apologize in order to snap him out of it. Thanks, Lincoln. Lincoln's sisters felt guilty about preventing him from getting his SMOOCH tickets and pulled him aside in the backyard and tried to give him the money, only for Lincoln to refuse and let them keep it as he thought they earned it their way. (The Wizard of Oz parody), "Loud Surfing" - The Loud Gang gets seperated and swept away to remote islands and oceans by a giant wave. * Ronnie Anne: Today was awesome, Lincoln. Sly and crash scream as they were zapped, those screams soon shifting into growling as they start to go through some big changes as the other Penelope grins watching the spectacle unfold… ——————————- Meanwhile, coco and the rest of the group rose their vehicles and called for sly and crash, trying to find them throughout the jungle. They think they can just walk over me because of a pony book and a clogged toilet?! Stay in your room for 2 weeks! (With Special Guest Star - Lin-Manuel Miranda as Willy Wonka), "Teenage Mutant Ninja Louds" - The when the Louds & co. go on an NYC vacation and bump into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, they must suit up as the Super Louds to defeat the Shredder. "Legends 2"/"Toy Store Blues" - After the events of "Legends", Lincoln invites Leni to go on. ), (8 year old Lincoln was struggling to do a push-up in front of the bullies, but fell face flat.). Crash: Blagaba! Crash: huh? Destroying furniture, injuring Ruth's cats, and hurling anything and everything at Rita and Ruth, while they plead for mercy to no avail!). For not taking out the rubbish? The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lincoln: Goodnight, Mommy Lynn. Otherwise, I'm gonna use your heads as my new soccer balls. (A few hours later. During the birthday parties Luan and Lincoln perform at, Scoots, Bernie, and Seymour have small speaking roles while Darcy, Boy Jordan, and Cassy have non-speaking roles.
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