1, 2022. So if you elect Republicans or you elect Democrats, youre going to get a different perspective on the law because it is a partisan court, Smith said. Three other candidates received limited support. Republican Railroad commissioner Wayne Christian won a second term Tuesday night,defeating Democrat Luke Warford. Statesman Editorial Board:Endorsements in the November 2022 election, What's on Texas general election ballot? With high-profile races for Texas governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general grabbing the attention of Texans, voters tend to rely on their party affiliation in these low-information, Texas is one of two states in the U.S. with a bifurcated supreme court system, meaning there are two top courts in Texas. Final voting tallies were not yet available at 9 a.m. Wednesday, but all the Republican candidates held leads of 12 percentage points or higher with more than 90% of voting centers counted. He said he would work with the Texas Department of Transportation to improve highways and overpasses in the county and to help alleviatecongestion on county farm-to-market roads. Greg Abbotts directive to the state child welfare agency to investigate families of trans youth. Election Decided: October 20, 2022. Most Texans are unlikely to ever interact with the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals in their day-to-day lives. Election Date: Nov. 8, 2022 | Updated 12:01 PM EST Nov. 30, 2022. Gonzales was scheduled to die by lethal injection 16 years after being found guilty of kidnapping, raping and killing Bridget Townsend when they were both 18 years old in Medina County, west of San Antonio. TJB | 4th COA - txcourts.gov Copyright 2022 by KSAT - All rights reserved. McDonald, 51, who in 1998 became the first African American elected to serve as Bastrop County judge and at 27 years old was the youngest person elected to serve as a county judge in Texas, said he was running for the top administrative job because he has the experience, heart and passion to serve. In Senate District 5, which covers part of Round Rock, Georgetown and stretches east toward Bryan, Republican incumbent Charles Schwertner has received 72% of the vote compared to Libertarian Tommy Estes 28%. Most Texans are unlikely to ever interact with the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals in their day-to-day lives. With a string of election victories over the past few cycles, Democrats came into the 2022 election holding five of six seats on the appeals court. The Court of Criminal Appeals is also the final court in which a defendant can appeal a felony conviction they believe was illegitimate. Voters must apply for an absentee or mail-in ballot by 5 p.m. May 9. TOWN OF KINGSTON v. KINGSTON POLICE SUPERIOR OFFICERS UNION, MCOP, LOCAL 386. Early voting results from Williamson and Hays counties were not available. As vote counts continue to roll in on election night,Democratic and Republican party advantages continue to hold strong in severalTexas House districts in Central Texas with open seats. 2021-WC-01219-COA Decided: October 11, 2022 BEFORE CARLTON, P.J., WESTBROOKS AND SMITH, JJ. Austin American Statesman politics reporter Niki Griswold explains what's on the Texas general election ballot for Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Republican James White represented the district from 2011 to 2022, but chose to run for Texas Agriculture Commissioner rather than run for reelection, but lost to incumbent Sid Miller in the Republican primary. There is so much work to do and Im committed to continuing to fight every day for our families and our community..
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