It is within an APRN's professional judgment and responsibility to assess andtreat patients within the bounds of his or her legally authorized scope . endstream endobj 81 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream 1 Used with permission from TX Children s Medical Center Collaborative Practice Agreement for Nurse Practitioner Management of Patients in the Specialty of Pediatric Critical Care Section I Introduction/Overview Purpose This document authorizes the Nurse Practitioner (NP) to perform medical acts in accordance with the Nursing Practice Act, , Texas Occupations Code and the Medical Practice Act . A full, active, and unrestricted Texas nursing license is required for online registration (this includes licenses that are recognized by reciprocity). Planning ahead, creating a model that meets the requirements, and having a clear agreement with your collaborating physician is paramount for building a scalable business. hb```f``Q @16|g2STenr)(Lwt4 s|@1H+9X $4-pl"wAk}SMQ?` 0|`U$30 |9Jsn.KY%5&K2s (00{ t32>8@ GbG She found two patterns: Of note, there were ZERO cases in which a physician who was not directly involved in the patients care or who was meeting the minimum requirements for collaboration was found liable. (4) Completed an accredited graduate-level education program [ ] preparing the nurse for one of the four recognized advanced practice registered nurse roles; (5) A current, unencumbered certification of having passed a national certification examination that measures role and population-focused competencies and is recognized by the board; Search for the document you need to electronically sign on your device and upload it. Many state nursing boards or state professional nursing associations can provide collaboration agreement templates. Used with permission from TX Children s Medical Center Documentation a. 5 Copies of these records must be maintained in the NP s credentialing file. The second most populous state in the country, Texas has a steadily growing population and an increasing demand for healthcare. Welcome to the Texas Board of Nursing Website You are not eligible to register online if: your license is under a current board order, or if you have notified the TMB that you are not actively practicing medicine, or. The Collaborative Practice and Prescriptive Authority Agreement must be jointly developed, reviewed and signed on an annual basis, maintained in the practice setting and made available as necessary to verify authority to provide medical aspects of care. However, a physician may only delegate prescriptive authority to a maximum of seven PA's or APN's, or their full-time equivalent.
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