there. Others. eventAction: 'view' But if neither Hobbs nor any of the three killed the boys, then who did? Father of Victim to Convicted Killer: 'I'm Here for You' And they said The bodies of Stevie, Michael Moore and Christopher Byers, all eight years old, were found naked, tied with their shoelaces and mutilated in a ditch in West Memphis, Arkansas in May 1993. Shot brother-in-law after beating wife. Both Michael and Steve had bruises across their bodies, while Christopher had bruises as well as lacerations to various parts of his body, and mutilation to his scrotum and penis. He was held for 12 hours and interrogated without his parents present. prominent musicians, celebrities and activists, High Magick: A Guide to the Spiritual Practices That Saved My Life on Death Row. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. "He would have been a heart breaker if. This is very suspicious. Lisa Waddell The Commercial Appeal, Courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics, What We Learn From the Descendants of Murderers. However, Jacoby can't seem to recall the exact sequence of events that nightperhaps understandably, given that it took place 18 years ago. The filmmakers present a series of findings that seem to bode ill for Hobbs. He wants us to believe that a kid and some people were going to check it out but he used the word "think" which means he is not certain if they were going to look for the boys in the manholes. "He thought he was helping by adding to the story," his attorney Dan Stidham told 48 Hours in 2010, "but he turned himself from a witness to an accomplice. Photo: e also studied Wicca, which incorporates elements of paganism and witchcraft. There's This led to heavier scrutiny by the private detectives hired by the Echols appeal team and brought to light the accusations swirling around him. Whoopi Goldberg interrupts 'The View' live segment, raises her voice and hits co-host, Demi Moore has not left Bruce Willis's side and is doing everything to make his 'last moments happy', 'Liza took a final breath and sighed': Liza Burke, 21, dies 6 weeks after stage 4 cancer diagnosis, Baywatch star Jeremy Jacksons ex-wife Loni Willison spotted looking for food in LA waste, Archie Blake: Boy, 11, mauled by shark while snorkeling just meters away from shore during family trip. None of the DNA matched the three teenagers found guilty of committing these murders. According to the police report, Hobbs admitted that he had entered Frenchs house and put his arms around her as she came out of the shower. The information that Hobbs volunteers to talk about is the manholes! John Mark Byers, Christophers stepfather, reported the boys missing to the West Memphis Police Department at approximately 8 p.m., reported local newspaper the Memphis Flyer. odd that you saw?" Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated. Everyone has a story and this just happens to be mine, said Hobbs. Hobbs says the entire story is a complete fabrication. Well sure, said Hobbs. The following year, lawyers working for the West Memphis Three presented the new DNA tests, which showed no link between them and the 1993 murders, according to the Arkansas Times.
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