ccrider88 3 mo. Tartary was a country with its own flag, its own government and its own place on the map. [3] In the 18th century, conceptions of Siberia or Tartary and its inhabitants as "barbarous" by Enlightenment-era writers tied into contemporary concepts of civilization, savagery and racism. And, they don't have to go alone, JTR Brown and Kevin Crispin are back to help dig up clues on the supposed lost superpower.Did the Tartarians really have advanced technology? I think horses can answer for a lot of this, he said. The mudflood (or whatever it really was) is proposed to have happened around 100-150 years ago. Tartarian Empire (conspiracy theory) - Wikipedia The Mud Flood hypothesis (or Mud flow hypothesis) is an observational explanation for a variety of perceived flaws in historical records, including ideas regarding Tartary (Tartaria) as an empire or nation-state in Central Asia, attributing these flaws to a global deluge of mud that caused cities and lands to sink into the earth and a consequent rewriting of history by various political and religious authorities over the past two hundred years. Collaborating with Marcia Ramalho, Lee presents the basics for researchers, from the history of the nation known as Tartary, through the revisionist history which relegated Tartary to an insignificant role on the world stage, to the "mudfloods" and liquefaction events which may have erased large swaths of lands and peoples, to the anomalous . Earth is flat. and developed the Tartarian mudflood theory weve described. As recently as 200 years ago, a flood of mud destroyed these people and most of their buildings. Exactly why The Man has hidden the history of Tartaria is unclear, but it has something to do with profiting off electricity we could be getting for free. And it didn't only span Russia, but most of Asia. Tartaria, modern Siberia, would have great advantage in Trombe walls, no magic ether (or aether) or electricity needed, just sunlight. Knowledge of Manchuria, Siberia and Central Asia in Europe prior to the 18th century was limited. 770 Mudflood / Tartaria ideas | old photos, nyc history - Pinterest Look at the Sun. The reason for this is far simpler than a massive cover up. Tartary was a country with its own flag, its own government and its own . Nikolai Levashov later spread his work around in his racial occult history. It is believed that Napoleons 1812 invasion of Russia was an attack on the Empire of Tartaria, and after the Great Mud Flood, World Wars I and II were all just excuses to wipe out the rest of Tartaria. 18 Amazing Vintage Celebrity Drivers Licenses and. Bear in mind it is moving at X miles per second, cutting Earths lines of force. There is a shared opinion that many of the conflicts between the 19th and 20th centuries were actually because of Tartaria. Tartarian fireplaces were not designed to burn anything. A long time ago i remember reading that Mu was the capital of Lemuria, i only remembered this as mu is at the centre of the word LeMUriaand seemed a kind of neat option! It created its people and went to war with the Tartarians using Atlantean technology today(which is what destroyed the first world in their first conflict). What was Slavery Like During the Viking Era? I hope one day we can emulate beautiful buildings with zero energy. Which could hint at one of the reasons why bathrooms in the recent past have been used quite extensively more as social gathering powder rooms to not only freshen oneself up but to hear and spread local gossip. Air ventilation shafts (air ducts) found throughout the homes rooms were connected to the chimney. Featured | Featured: Mud Flood.
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