Order Withholding from Earnings for Child Support. SIBEL ONASIS FERRER v. MADALENA ELIZABETH ALMANZA, ISABELLA P. ALMANZA, AND ALBERT BOONE ALMANZA; from Travis County; 7th Court of Appeals District (07-20-00300-CV, 647 SW3d 726, 03-16-21), APACHE CORPORATION v. APOLLO EXPLORATION, LLC; COGENT EXPLORATION, LTD., CO.; AND SELLMOCO, LLC; from Midland County; 11th Court of Appeals District (11-19-00183-CV, 631 SW3d 502, 06-10-21), AMERICAN NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY v. BERTHA ARCE, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS REPRESENTATIVE OF ALL OTHERS SIMILARLY SITUATED; from Hardeman County; 7th Court of Appeals District (07-19-00362-CV, 633 SW3d 228, 08-24-21). You can also change your name on your birth certificate if you choose, but it is not required. Go here for a complete list: http://www.sll.texas.gov/self-help/where-to-go-for-help/county-law-libraries/, 100 Dolorosa, 5th Floor To file your forms in person, take your Petition and additional starting forms (and copies) to the district clerks office in the county you determined is the correct county to file in. This site is best experienced with supported browsers . Public computer access: Yes, library computers are intended for legal research only. You can also go to a law library to conduct legal research. Austin, Texas 787011 (512) 854-8677, 1110 Victoria Street, Suite 105 Taylor County Law Library. Please contact the Thurgood Marshall School of Law Library at Texas Southern University directly for details about access to the public. 111 E. Locust, Suite 315A Angleton, Texas 77515(979) 864-1225. The clerk will file stamp your copies with the date and time. Online Resources - Tarrant County TX Local rules. We strive to provide accurate information, however, Courtreference.com is not an official source of information for any court or court clerk. TLSC provides free legal services to underserved Texans in need of education, advice, and representation. Hours of Operation:Monday - Friday | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM,excluding county holidays. Copyright by the Texas State Law Library. Southern Methodist University is a private university with a law school and a law library. Tom C. Clark Building 205 West 14th Street Austin, Texas 78701(844) 829-2843 (toll-free in Texas) (512) 463-1722, Electronic resources available: Westlaw, LexisNexis, HeinOnline, and hundreds of legal e-books, Print resources available: Texas and federal materials highlights include Vernon's Texas Statutes Annotated, O'Connor's titles, Texas Litigation Guide, Matthew Bender/Dorsaneo practice guides, Texas Jurisprudence, American Jurisprudence, S.W. If you use our stories in any other medium for example, newsletters or other email campaigns you must make it clear that the stories are from the Fort Worth Report. PDF Powers of Attorney Research Guide PDF Talk to a lawyer if you have questions. - Tarrant County TX
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