When specializing in Automechanic, you can build an Auto Shop in your base which will allow you to completely beef up cars so that they can mow down horde after horde. RELATED: State of Decay 2: A Guide To Outposts. We can also learn or improve the Craftsmanship skill by spending influence. Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2HnSFok Join my Discord! What Outposts Should You Claim First - State of Decay 101 The first one to focus on should be builder. Outposts (State of Decay 2) a medicine outpost will remain as so after all the medicine is looted). You need a Level 2 Fuel outpost. Provides Materials each day. Depending on the path players choose with Chemistry it can provide vastly different outcomes, both worthwhile. In-game description: At an outpost, we can swap active characters and access our supply locker in relative safety. Since Update 28 the locations you claim as an Outpost will be tidied and lit up. Combat Medicine. Provides three times the baseline outpost Fuel income. It can be provided by one of the survivor's Traits, learnt from a Fuel Outpost 2, or can be taught to them with a Mechanics Textbook . Mechanics unlocks Workshop 3. +50% fatigue severity (community) Sometimes wastes medicine. There are now Landmark Outposts. Dunno, never noticed an issue with it. Influence is earned in many different ways. Although destroying Plague Heart is no mean feat, thehardest step in upgrading the command centre is acquiring the Knowledge of Computers skill, as it mostly depends on random luck. : https://discord.gg/5eYFK7ZToday we're taking a look at what outposts you should claim first in State o. In-game description: Provides base-wide power so long as we have fuel (consumes 2 fuel per day). Be sure to check the map for any limited-time traders who appear as Network Trader in the mission description. It added new content to the game, including the map from the original game. It isn't a huge morale hit but it is something to look out for if you happen to stumble upon one in the early game before the base is all settled. uhhh that wouldn't be very realistic if outposts were like this area where zombies have this unspoken agreement of just avoiding.
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