Alexander Dago, CFA - Private Equity MBA Intern - LinkedIn Because we tend to run early, we ask that all dancers be ready to dance at least 1-2 hours prior to their scheduled time. A Nova level soloist may enter as many as three regional solo routines for the regionalNova Emerging Artist. Apex, NC 27502 Any routine which has an average age that falls within .5 of another age class may choose to move the routine to the next age class. A panel of highly qualified, fully vetted, and competent judges will judge all performances. Seattle, WA| Apr 29 Apr 30: Click here to watch! Music files can only be uploaded after the performances are entered. Please see yourOnline Registration Profilefor further details. Refrain from obscenity in your comments, and to keep discussions civil, don't say anything in a way your grandmother would be ashamed to read. Open:Routine which does not fit into one of our performance categories or a routine which is a combination of two or more of our performance categories. Online Registration Powered by DanceComp Genie. 27502. Apex, Simply choose the routine(s) you wish to enter for the StarQuest regional title by selecting it in online registration. Regional and Finals ages are as of January 1, 2023. First up this is "Will-a-mania" performed by Sonshine Academy! Check back every Monday for the next voting period. Each year, Synergy is proud to offer an OPEN Grand Finale Nationals Competition! We further acknowledge that all deposits and fees paid to StarQuest are non-refundable. Therefore, the minor/participant has Our attested legal authority to participate in StarQuest Events. Select Nova/Classic, 300-291 Ultimate Platinum N/A, 290.99-279 Platinum Plus 300-279, 278.99-264 Platinum 278.99-264, 263.99-246 High Gold 263.99-246, 245.99-228 Gold 245.99-228, 2023 Adjudication Levels (Individual Judges), 100-97 Ultimate Platinum N/A, 96.99-93 Platinum Plus 100-93, 92.99-88 Platinum 92.99-88, 87.99-82 High Gold 87.99-82, 81.99-76 Gold 81.99-76. Such protest must be presented, by a Studio Director or Competition Director ONLY, in writing to the director of StarQuest Dance Competition within one-half hour of the performance of the entry in question. Dancers who have moderate competition and dance experience should be placed in Classic. Nova:This is our Recreational Level. That will have the most up-to-date street address of the venue as well as hotel information. (5 points will be deducted for taps on music track.). Should incorporate balance, control, and extension moves. Find The Closest Events Near Me A Parent routine competes for the Parent Award only and cannot also compete for the Adult or Progressive Award. Dancers who perform in13 or more routines from every divisionexcluding their first 3 Lines/Mega Lines, will automatically be placed in Select. Represented the U.S. in a professional exchange jointly sponsored by the U.S. Congress and German Bundestag. In Celebration we will be highlighting 4 organizations/ Community groups that are working to support or showcase AAPI culture. Here's the performance of our group dance "Going Downtown" at the Virginia Beach StarQuest Nationals 2021 Competition! We've found the best hotel and Airbnb deals, closest to the venue!
Stephanie Hill Age, Articles S