Wednesday's collections happen today. You'll have the peace of mind knowing that your waste is being disposed of quickly and professionally. Find 6 Landfills within 22.5 miles of Stafford County Landfill. As a cooperative venture between the City of Fredericksburg and Stafford County; the Center is operated and carefully monitored by the Rappahannock Regional Solid Waste Management Board (R-Board) for the benefit and use of Fredericksburg and Stafford residents. How do I arrange for a Bulky Waste pick-up? Beach Haven West, Village Harbor, Colony Lakes, Cedar Bonnet Island, Mallard Island and Bayside, Town North and South, Route 9, Cedar Run, Mayetta, Downtown Manahawkin, Perrys Lake, The Landings, Pinecrest Village and Stafford Park, Ocean Acres (everything east of and including Nautilus Drive and north of Neptune Road), Remaining Ocean Acres (west of Nautilus Drive, south of and including Neptune Road), Fawn Lakes, Atlantic Hills, Paramount Escapes and Warren Grove). If you forget to put it out we will NOT be going back after it. Stafford, VA (Address, Phone, Fax, and Hours) - County Office The R-Board strives to provide professional, courteous and intelligent solutions to the waste disposal needs of citizens in Stafford County and the City of Fredericksburg. Automated Household Trash Collection | Stafford Township, NJ All Solid Waste Facilities, including collection services, the Neighborhood Depositories/Recycling Centers, Westpark Recycling Center, Environmental Service Center, The Reuse Warehouse, and administrative offices, will be closed. Collection days are either Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday. Box 788 Statesville, NC 28687 Phone: 704-878-3000 Main Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Holiday Schedule - Houston 2022 Holiday Collection Calendar : CVWMA Separate your trash and recycling into their respective carts. Residential Solid Waste services in the City of Stafford are provided twice a week by GFL Environmental (previously WCA Waste Corporation). There is no garbage, recycling or yard waste collection on the following holidays, unless otherwise noted: Regular collection is scheduled for all other holidays. If the home is sold the trashcan must remain with the property. Do not use your cart for paint or other hazardous liquids. The fees apply to chargeable loads of solid waste brought to the Appeal Landfill. Tuesday's yard waste & 3rd Wednesday's tree waste routes will be collected. Trash and Recycling Service Schedule Garbage & Recycling Guidelines Carts for Garbage & Recycling Trash and recycling carts are issued when a new home receives its Certificate of Occupancy. Stains must be kept for hazardous waste disposal.Please contact the Southern Ocean Recycling Center 609-978-0913 for dates and locations. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Privacy Policy Facebook This repair policy is in effect for purchased cans as well as assigned automated cans.Additional automated trash cans can be purchased at the Public Works garage Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 320 Haywood Road, Manahawkin. Are there any restrictions on wood left for collection? We are your friends in the trash business, no job too large or small! Trash & Recycling. An automated trash container is assigned to every address and must remain at that address. Please make sure your trash tote and recycling totes (every other week) are put out the evening before your normal pickup day. County Office is not affiliated with any government agency.
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