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Many Model 1916 rifles & carbines were produced too late to see service in World War I, but were used after the war, particularly in colonial service. The rifle has an issue date stamped into the barrel of MA S 1894. GunUp. Alderfer Auction WILL NOT ship or SELL any of these items that are prohibited in any State. Mounted security forces, cavalry units, and artillery units in colonial services were forced to use single shot Mle1874 carbines, most not even converted to fire the modern 8mmLebel ammunition, against insurrectionist forces who were sometimes better armed than government forces. St. Etienne - Berthier M16 Rifle in 8x50 Lebel PhoenixPhart 42.5K subscribers 326 13K views 2 years ago #M16 #Berthier Shooting my new (old) #Berthier #M16 rifle made in 1917. Because Alderfer Auction is FFL approved, all shipping, packing and insurance are handled by Alderfer Auction.
The rifle . Fees must be paid in advance by credit card. The bolt handle is angled 90 degrees downwards, though there isnt much space between the stock and the handle. NEEDS SCOPE AND SCOPE MOUNTS. Bids cannot be retracted using this feature. Latest version of Terms & Conditions will always supersede any previous printed or online statements. Any items left at the auction center for more than two weeks following the auction date will incur storage fees at a rate of $10.00 per lot, per week regardless of the size or value of the lot. Please contact Proxibid to learn about retracting a bid. The left side of the receiver is marked St. Etienne MLE M.16 . This email is used as the Store e-mail address and cannot be used to log in to this website. Alderfer Auction is not liable for any breach or default by the consignor of a Lot. It was still in service with some French law enforcement units as late as the 1960s. Returned checks will be assessed a $35 charge for insufficient funds. The five-round magazine was also a rarity in the trenches, and the three-round variant was far more common. In practical use however, the notch is basically useless. However, the limited ammunition capacity of the Berthier Mle 1907/15's magazine (3 rounds) was viewed as a great disadvantage by troops in close contact with the enemy or participating in assaults or trench raids. The top of the receiver and the top of the barrel shank are both marked "N".
Berthier Rifle (Series) 3. French M1874 Gras Rifle Bayonet 1879 St. Etienne VERY CLEAN $65.00 0 bids $16.55 shipping 3d 16h or Best Offer French M1874 Bayonet $90.00 $7.95 shipping Original 1881 French M1874 Gras Bayonet 20" 11mm Rifle w/matching # Scabbard $75.99 0 bids $26.45 shipping 3d 9h Vintage 1878 French M1874 Gras Bayonet w/ Scabbard- Very Good Condition $100.00 Addendum statements made day of auction take precedence over previously printed materials. Marketplace Insight. - Vehicle, Helpers, Packing Supplies
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Lt,Etienne rifle - The Curio and Relic Firearms Forum ST. ETIENNE BERTHIER Mle M16 FRENCH 8MM LEBEL CARBINE - Guns International
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