Teddy boys jumped on little bike and broke it. You can now donate online to your Parish or Fund of choice within the Archdiocese of Glasgow. I always thought it was a listed building. We used to prick our fingers to drop blood into the fish tank where the (goldfish-sized) piranhas were and watch them converge on the blood. Lots of memories too many to say here. Pushpay (Online Giving) I attended Harmony Row School and Hills Trust Primary. Open Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday June-September 1pm to 4pm or by arrangement. var addy_text63121 = 'stanthony' + '@' + 'rcag' + '.' + 'org' + '.' + 'uk'; My dear brothers and sisters, I am kindly inviting all God's people who wish to attend LIVE STREAM MASS of St. Anthony's Church, Govan. Also remember when we started school in 1943, we had to carry our gas masks with us. Mass Times Weekend Mass. A friend called called Alison Galbraith. I went to Harmony Row school and below is my class photograph from around 1957, I have given the names as far as I remember starting at the back row left. Add your own memories or stories by clicking here. I try and tell my grandkids what a fanfastic place it was to grow up, no money but lots of pals and never bored. My mother was Frances Leddy and she was born at 57 Hamilton Street in 1926. Mass Times Govan, Saint Anthony - catholicclocks.com View the archive of speeches and letters. Our children and grandchildren have been back many times as well. Contact St Anthony Govan R C Church on Messenger. We loved it there and had best times growing up in Govan, a great wee community and a great bunch of people, neighbours were great and we had lots of great friends to play with. I was in the 102 Life Boys then the Boys Brigade with my big brother Tommy. My cousins and I thought we should try this. The bishop of that Archdiocese is therefore automatically an Archbishop. Holy Mass Livestream from Govan - Facebook Post Code: G51 3BD : Tel: 0141 445 1416 : Parish Email: . I was pretty sad when I left Govan and leaving my family was devastating to me. St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Novato, CA | Parish news, Mass and Confessions schedule, bulletins, parish calendar, descriptions of all parish programs. If you have never been to Mass before, or if you haven't gone in a long time, we are excited to have you join us as we celebrate and worship together. Communications; Advancement; Evangelization The manager was a man called Jackie.
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