The Spirit Lake Tribe operates Cankdeska Cikana Community College, a tribal college established in the 1970s. Swinomish Indian for additional information and definition of terms. Carolyn Bryant Donham, a central figure in the Emmett Till case, died this week. The struggles that Robin Poor Bear, formerly Charboneau, endures in Kind Hearted Womanare unfortunately too common for many Native Americans living on reservations today. Unless otherwise noted, the data in this section come from the 2013-2017 American Community Survey. WHAT CENTURY IS IT ANYWAY? 1828, a roll is to be prepared and used as the basis for the distribution of an apportioned share of judgment funds awarded the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma and the Miami Indians of Indiana in dockets 124-B and 254 by the U.S. Court of Claims of all persons of Miami Indian ancestry: (i) Who were living on December 21, 1982; (ii) Whose name or the name of a lineal ancestor appears on: (A) The roll of Miami Indians of Oklahoma and Indiana prepared pursuant to the Act of June 2, 1972 (86 Stat. (vi) Are able to establish Pembina ancestry on the basis of any other rolls or records acceptable to the Secretary. The tribal administration, tribal college and Spirit Lake Consulting offices are located in the community. Discovery Company. No one was being held accountable. The settlement which has been agreed to in principle, but still requires finalization says the pharmaceutical giant will pay $150 million to tribal communities over two years. Last week, the tribes own courtconvicted a man in an abuse case that one of the federal whistleblowers had flagged. To be eligible a person must: (i) Be a lineal descendent of the Sisseton and Wahpeton Mississippi Sioux Tribe; (A) Those individuals who applied for enrollment before January 1, 1998, and whose applications were approved by the Aberdeen Area Director before that same date, are deemed to appear in records and rolls acceptable to the Secretary or have a lineal ancestor whose name appears in these records; (B) Those individuals who apply for enrollment after January 1, 1998, or whose application was not approved by the Aberdeen Area Director before that same date, must be able to trace ancestry to a specific Sisseton or Wahpeton Mississippi Sioux Tribe lineal ancestor who was listed on: (1) The 1909 Sisseton and Wahpeton annuity roll; (2) The list of Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux prisoners convicted for participating in the outbreak referred to as the 1862 Minnesota Outbreak; (3) The list of Sioux scouts, soldiers, and heirs identified as Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux on the roll prepared under the Act of March 3, 1891 (26 Stat.
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