The Spanish themselves called these floating treasure houses the naos de China or 'Chinese ships'. For the majority of us, shipwrecks are fascinating underwater worlds to study or even visit if youre a scuba diver. Of the famous shipwrecks never found, many are Spanish vessels thought to have been carrying gold. So desperate was the need for the cargo that, after a long delay, all the Spanish ships set sail during hurricane season. Additionally, the ships crew were often tired and suffering from disease or malnutrition after being stuck on board for many months. | Heavy cannons were arranged below decks on both sides of the ship. Two previously unknown shipwrecks have been found near a famous Spanish galleon laden with an estimated $17 billion in gold that was sunk by the British in 1708. El Cierva may have been carrying a relatively unexciting cargo that included timber and tobacco as a merchants vessel. 29: Carrie Rich on How to Show Up, Learn, and Listen to Make Entrepreneurial Good in the World, Livin Good Currency Ep. (modern), Photo provided by Odyssey Marine Exploration, of coins recovered from the shipwreck in 2007. License. That summer, archaeologists scrambled into the sea caves, only accessible at low tide, to further study the wood. Investigating the Spanish treasure ships never found is a fascinating and ongoing underwater cultural heritage project. In the 16th century, Spain's war galleons were used as means to transport highly trained infantry and to allow them to board an enemy vessel. said George Lambrick, director of the Council for British Archaeology, adding that serious concerns remained. The galleons served two main purposes. Treasure hunters find Spanish coins from 1715 shipwreck on Florida beach Seven years later, an earthquake of about 9.0 Richter swallowed the sea along the Oregon coastline, before spitting it back upon the shore in a terrifying tsunami; which just so happened to gather up the downed Spanish galleon and its lost cargo before throwing it against the rugged coast. The San Miguel escaped the 18th-century Spanish salvage operations and also, so far, many modern-day attempts. The Santa Maria was beyond repair, but the crew was able to salvage some of the ships timber and used them to build Fort Navidad (the Christmas Fort), which was the first Spanish settlement in the new world. Sign up for our free weekly email newsletter! As in the Atlantic, a far more serious threat was not being captured but shipwreck. It was a Spanish galleon laden with treasures so sumptuous that its sinking in the Bahamas in 1656 sparked repeated salvage attempts over the next 350 . The Manila Galleons: Treasures For The "Queen Of The Orient" Conclusion The Race to Preserve Treasures From the 'Nuestra Seora de las 1: 10 September 1919 The Spanish Armada of 1588 CE By van WieringenCornelis Claesz van Wieringen (CC BY-NC-SA). Their records show that Spanish galleons were wrecked near the mouth of the Columbia River in 1693 and 1705, but a third ship in 1725 just disappeared. Solving the mystery of a lost Spanish galleon on Mexico's Baja Nevertheless, fleet commander admiral Jos Fernandez de Santillan decided to sail the San Jos for Europe, despite the ongoing War of the Spanish Succession.
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