Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this sites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. I cast on sometime in March 2019 and worked on it little by little over the summer. I've yet to see a version of Soldotna that doesn't work. Its great! Thanks! Sep 21, 2019 - Cropped sweaters have become a popular new trend in knitting recently. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. TikTok went wild last month pointing out how a Target crochet sweater at a low price point likely means that someone isn't getting fair pay for their work. Your email address will not be published. apple push notification service certificate expiration. Now, I wont tell you there are no mistakes (there are), and the back of the neck it a little weird, butI LOVE THIS SWEATER. Dec 11, 2020 - Here's something a little different--a knitting project. what is hall of fame seats at phillies? That said, make sure to do a gauge swatch before starting to ensure your gauge matches the pattern! Caitlin Hunter i. I always sort of ignored these kinds of sweaters thinking that they wouldn't look right on me. This was really just an inch or so of ribbing- super simple and satisfying. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Lisa Poblenz and Pattern and Branch with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. soldotna sweater controversy. GIVEAWAY: https://sweetgeorgiayarns.com/2019/09/a-finished-soldotna-crop-sweater/Celebration time! The bittersweet part is that I was just catching up on Instagram stuff last night and came across some posts with the #diversknitty tag that were talking about how the designer of this sweater, Caitlin Hunter, had blocked a BIPOC woman, Sophiatron for absolutely no reason. I used 4 colours of Debbie Bliss Rialto DK to knit it. Many knitters need larger needles for their colorwork or else it can end up quite tight and cause puckering at the neckline.
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