Monster, Not a Hero: Animorphs/My Hero Academia22. - Wildbow on Reddit, One target comes into full focus, and their existence is now visible, from the moment of their birth until the time they disappear from sight. Chevalier was here, and put his sword out like a wall, some of his squadron gripping the channel that bifurcated the two great blades. If left to go on its own, the world would be shattered. Brockton Bay/Simurgh. -, The Simurgh is another case of a tinker as a secondary power. He had ideas on solving world hunger, and building aquatic cities near cities plagued by overcrowding. The only reason why she appeared so limited was because like Worm said the Endbringers are SERIOUSLY sandbagging and partly because The Simurgh lacked creativity due to how, despite being the most independent, was a severely limited A.I (more accurate to call her a very advance V.I) who could only act outside mission parameters; if Eden and . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. On top of the table was a cage with a small bird inside. Ziz. The baby here, when born, would join a caste of the population driven to find the worst and most inventive ways to hurt one another with the tools and powers they were provided with. [165] For example, the Simurgh would require a series of passes[152] (over days, weeks, or months) to thoroughly scan and really understand a subject. - Wildbow on Reddit, archived on Spacebattles, And I should stress that weak points arent necessarily just areas which are geographically vulnerable. Nice work, damien. He swept past Dauntless, bracing himself for a shield to come between himself and his destination, or a spear to strike the side of his Marduk. The Simurgh's thought patterns are clinical and not human, being very goal-oriented and future-focused. A very good reason to have an avatar like Scion around. It was worse than an organically emergent simulation, but in a process that saw the planet revolve three hundred times around its star, it could be necessary in the final years, consolidating and sorting information, forcibly exploring the resources the planet had to offer. Discard the useless elements, maintain the pivotal ones. A single crack at the lattice at one shoulder widened, inching down toward one nipple-less breast. -, Nuh uh. Family Yeah, I get it. [45], She typically has a neutral expression[46] and does not smile. Weve heard of incidents where one person became a very large-scale effect. James Tagg was one of the people involved in that campaign.[316]. Fun in Warcraft: The Simurgh, a Warcraft + Worm Crossover fanfic The Simurgh, for her part, seemed to be busy building other tinker devices, drawing on the abilities of tinkers in the immediate area. Dauntlesss spear moved again, and this time, Defiant simply held the button down. -. -, Only two kids were sleeping there, both clearly brother and sister. -, As I see it, the Endbringers have the attacker's advantage. friendship:Amy Dallon & Sabah & Taylor Hebert, friendship:Annette Hebert & Taylor Hebert, Aradia Megido/Feferi Peixes/Nepeta Leijon, Blake Belladonna/Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee/Yang Xiao Long, friendship:Madison Clements & Simurgh & Taylor Hebert, friendship:Taylor Hebert & Victoria Dallon, Divine Administration - of Gods and Bureaucracy, Riding Acromantulas and Understanding Magical Biology, Taylor Doesn't Always get the Short Stick, Give The World A Hero (And Lose All You Love), Still better than falling for a straight girl, Queen Administrator's Multiverse Adventures - Remnant, My Completely Normal Parahuman: Hogwarts is Magic, Tales of Tattled Tales with Tattletale's Tale Tattled, Nice Guy's Amazing Adventures with those chaps he met from the Slaughterhouse.
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