All this matters mostly for version choice and what happens to Sims later on for the First Impressions to leave, because this mod applies at meeting new Sims and therefore there are no previous sentiments between them to worry about.
Index of Mods | Lumpinou on Patreon The nerve! [SE] No Mountain High Enough for This Love. I have tried again and again, enlisted other modders for help, but only friendship points would load no matter how we went about it for now. Become a patron to. This is the official Sims Community News & Media Platform, running for almost a decade! You can right-click the Sentiments panel in a Sims info page to assign or remove any sentiment you want between those two Sims. It takes just a few seconds to start making a good impression, but it can take a while to impress someone with your [SE] Celebrated Together at the Festival of Snow. I'm talking about any unique mods that have completely revolutionized the way that you play TS4. Sims may feel nicer towards some than others even for the same trait because there is a bit of chance left to this.However, this is not true for traits that truly clash, or traits that truly match. WebAbout. The partys over, but Sim #1 still feels its afterglow when they spends time around Sim #2. Sims 4 Woohoo Wellness and Pregnancy Overhaul: Creator Lumpinou, 25. Acquired a BusinessAdopted a PetBecame a Widow(er)Became an OccultBecame PresidentBecame a VampireBecame a SpellcasterBecame a WerewolfBefriended a DolphinBefriended a Talking ToiletMade a Best FriendCarried a Baby for Another (via my Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul mod) Licensed a SongGave BirthGot Kicked Out by Parents (via my Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul mod) Joined a Religion (via my Rambunctious Religions mod) Lost Custody of Children (via my Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul mod)Won Custody of Children (via my Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul mod)Published a Video GameMastered a Musical InstrumentWent Scuba DivingSummited a MountainTurned a Sim into a VampireReached the Top of a CareerWon a Gaming CompetitionWon a Starlight AccoladeLost a Best Friend (ie, they died)Born in [insert world]Came Out (via my lgbtqia mod) Cheated on a Partner (Only Woohoo counts) Child Taken by Social ServicesCured of VampirismDeath of ChildDeath of ParentDeath of PetDeath of SiblingDied of [death type]Degree in [degree]Graduated High SchoolDropped out of High SchoolDropped Out of UniversityFound a Fated MateGave birth to an Alien BabyGot a JobGot FiredHad a Committed RelationshipHad a FightHad a Permanent SeparationHad a Wedding CeremonyHad an Abortion (via my Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul mod)Had a miscarriage (via my Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul mod)Had ChildrenHad GrandchildrenHad great ReputationHad terrible reputationHero of StrangervilleKissed someoneMoved to another worldParents SeparatedPublished a bookSaw a strange creature in spaceSold a masterpieceTook gender-affirming steps (via my lgbtqia mod) Took Vacation to Another WorldVisited Sylvan Glade / Forgotten Grotto / Deep WoodsWas abducted by aliensWas cheated on (only Woohoo counts, witnessed, or confessed via my RPO mod) Was Spared by the Reaper / Nearly DiedWas World FamousWon the LotteryWooHood in SpaceWoohood with someoneLost a GrandparentLost a bf / gfWitnessed FireLearned to Love AgainRe-MarriedWas Adopted (via my RPO mod)Gave child up for Adoption (via my RPO mod)Got divorcedGot marriedLeft a ReligionWrote a Book, Find current FREE DOWNLOAD PAGE on my Patreon Mod Index.
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