Clarity of communication from the Government will continue to be critical here. 'As a mum and a doctor myself I always ask parents, are you worried and why are you worried? If younger children are unvaccinated in a fully-vaccinated family group, the risk is low, but some families might want to take additional precautions, like spending time together outdoors, masking in enclosed indoor spaces or using home testing before visiting grandparents to confirm that no one in the family is infectious. Please, enable JavaScript and reload the page to enjoy our modern features. Include any information available about the safeguards your school is putting into place to keep your child safe, the number of children in each class, and what they plan to do if someone in the school becomes sick. If sorting vaccinated and unvaccinated students proves too burdensome, administrators might choose to just keep a masking policy in place for everyone, the Associated Press reported on Friday. Is It Safe to Send My Kid Back to School? - Fatherly less likely than adults to develop complications, I'm a pediatrician and I think we should reopen schools, even with the risk of coronavirus outbreaks, There's evidence that kids stuck in quarantine may experience higher levels of depression and anxiety. Lowering your risk at home by avoiding crowds and enclosed public indoor spaces where you dont know the vaccination status of others can help reduce the whole familys risk. During the remote and hybrid school year, parents have noticed how their vision of education did not align with that of the Department of Education, school, or teacher's vision. Access unlimited news content and The Canberra Times app. But traveling for them is learning. Should I Send My Child Back to School? | Psychology Today If you feel you cant cope with your children around all day, it does not make you a failure as a parent, just a realistic one with self-knowledge. There is no vaccine currently available for Strep A. Lately, Oster's received an outpouring of questions from parents about whether to send children back to daycare or school. Include any information available about the safeguards your school is putting into place to keep your child safe, the number of children in each class, and what they plan to do if someone in the school becomes sick.
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