With the following results: at 100 yards two 4 round targets with both at .75 MOA. All rights reserved. Length 2 1/2". Savage Pre-fits have either a large shank or small shank and must be matched to a large shank or small shank action, respectively. Prefit barrels can be supplied in any of the chambering choices currently available from PAC-NOR. My latest pre fit is a SSSM from Pac Nor. Each cartridge that we chamber for is listed under its proper caliber. Most of them are 108eldm Hornady match ammo. Savage Arms has made it pretty easy to figure out the shank size by the length of your Savage lock nut. Watch the video above for help in finding out which size your rifle is! The prefit barrel comes to you completely contoured, polished, handlapped, threaded, chambered, & crowned with a short thread shank to be set back for proper head space: ready for you to have fitted to your action. These hand lapped match grade barrels are available for both Savage and Remington Rifles and Zermatt Arms actions. NSS stocks the most common lengths and contours and can also custom order barrels for you. If you do not think your barrel can shoot 1MOA groups or less, we will have you ship it back. We manufacture premium grade rifle barrels ,our barrels are single point cut rifled and hand lapped using 416R stainless steel. Please read ourFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page for more information. (All prefit barrels should be fitted and headspaced only by a qualified and competent gunsmith.). Please note: 30 cal is the largest caliber for the taperless 750 contour. - NOTE: The dimensions in parentheses indicate special neck diameters. Contours available to closely match factory contours and should require very little to no stock work. We do not make pre-fits for ANY lever action including Winchester, Marlin, Ruger #1 or #3, Savage 99s. The bottom line is, when Tony began shooting Shilen barrels in 1988, his percentage of Hummer Barrels increased dramatically. So I decided to take his other savage lightweight model 16 in 223 Remington but we had no luck hunting. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND that actual headspace gauges be used to determine if a barrel is properly installed and head spaced. Today, Brownells Firearm Support Technician Caleb Savant walks us through installing an International Barrels pre-fit precision barrel on a Savage bolt actio. The very best shooting one I own is a McGowan that likes to shoot very small groups. Fire Five Times then Clean: Do this 1 time. Perhaps this will help you decide. Our gunsmith recommends that the nut is torqued 35 to 45 ft lb of torque. NSS stocks the most common lengths and contours and can also custom order barrels for you. X-Caliber - Savage Prefit Barrel - X-Caliber Barrel & Manufacturing If you are gun-savy and have a barrel vise, a Savage barrel nut wrench and the corresponding chambers Go gauge, you have everything you need to correctly change your Savage barrel. Diameter: .980" -- Specified Caliber options will include a slight increase in actual diameter to allow for safe margins with passing projectiles. Cerakote Finish: Click Here for Cerakote Finish Options, Criterion Muzzle Brake - Installed: $175 (includes barrel thread and muzzle brake), Criterion Blended Muzzle Brake - Installed: $195 (includes barrel thread and muzzle brake). All Rights Reserved. Please complete your order below. Check out our Carbon Prefit Barrels! -priority tasking (typically shaves off20%-50% of lead time--, For more information about our 1MOA accuracy guarantee and the conditions that apply, please refer to our, Barrel Nuts for Shoulderless Prefit Barrels.
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