Finally, Sam says when she opens the door, even though they probably hadnt taken more than twenty minutes. Xander is a psychic who offers by Whichclothes A curse sends Contact Red Rayne. Roleplaying, not Living by Lit Gal Xander was not into being Dommed by just anyone, thank you very much, Rosebud Murders by BmblBee Spike is a Homicide detective trying to stop a serial killer before he strikes again. This is a file of unfinished and discontinued WIPs, most of them transferred over from my Livejournal and archived here for posterity. Her room is as clean as it ever is, and it takes Tucker a few moments too long to realize what theyre supposed to be there for. I promise my other one is much better and more planned out!
Angel/Xander Harris - Works | Archive of Our Own Or Hitchhike to Hicklebob, 48 Hours in the Lives of Xander the Bear and the Vamp Who Came Back, Everything Xander Knows About Time Travel (He Learned from Back to the Future). Prior Claim In most fics, Xander is the Normal one. Eventually secrets do come out . When her reality overtakes her dreams, she finds herself drawn to someone that had never been featured in them in the first place. NightBreed, a Knight of Baphomet. Harry and Faith find themselves stuck in purgatory after their close encounters with death, who comes with an offer for them. Did you really think Thor is the only mythological being to walk this earth? I ship Xander and Faith but only in season 3. Can he help his friends defend the Hellmouth without letting on that he is no longer the boy they knew? I think thats the one thing if anything i've learned from both my life and from watching the Emerald eyed Golden Boy's life in between the lies. Balance . Xander wondered if he'd somehow been duped, but while he wasn't exactly swimming in cash, he wasn't going to hurt over a couple dollars. Xander is so done with this bullshit. However, Dannys eyes scan the room and stick to the crystals like glue. But then a strange feeling comes over him and something falls from the sky. Multi-chapter fic. Moments later, she just yelled angrily and with one . (See the index in the first chapter for list of all tropes and the fandoms and pairings that are used for them). To her astonishment she finds herself in her beloved fantasy of Thedas and stumbles upon the beginnings of the Inquisition. Angel's cure gifts him with interesting new powers While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Thrill Me. However, it would be helpful if Anya learned how to read properly! Disclaimer: none of the Harry Potter characters belong to me they belong JK Rowling. This is a Male x Male one shot request form for all TV Shows I will list and various movies, celebs, and select youtubers. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. "You will be separated into two groups," a voice boomed from the darkness. for a long time. Buffy forgets one of the cardinal rules and makes a wish in front of the books in Magic Box. Healer by Kay Xander returns to California after disappearing five years before, encountering new enemies and old enemieswho just might become new flames.
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