If yes, then the "QuickBooks for Churches and Other Religious Organizations" by Lisa London, CPA eBook below is a must for you! 7. Participation assumes the making of a worthwhile contribution to the discussion.. When it has done its work it is disbanded. Board Meetings can become a route, boring, and without Christian principles. It is merely a list, written or unwritten, of items to be discussed or acted upon. The goal of the board meeting is to conduct the church's business. One pastor regularly scheduled the most important items at the end of the agenda, only to discover that there was never money available for them because it had been allocated to less important items earlier in the meeting. 2023 NAD Ministerial. . Realistically, there are few things about which you will be truly neutral. Every vote has equal weight. Ministry Magazine | Productive board meetings The New Testament church of the apostolic days was unlike the hierarchical organizations of today, sometimes governed like secular establishments. MINUTES OF THE CHURCH BOARD April 1, 2017 - 7:30 pm Paradise CA MEMBERS PRESENT: Rock Hudson, Chairperson; Opal Jones, Clerk; Slate Gorton; Ruby Sparks, Gem Osmond, Pearl Wang, Amber Cortes, Jasper Fortin MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Garnet Brown, Jade Dubois INVITEES: Crystal Hernandez Action No. 4 0 obj >> For additional reading, please refer to the following: (1) Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual, 19th ed., rev. By using the website, you agree to our use of cookies to analyze website traffic and improve your experience on our website. Home - Education Department Remind the board members that they should be able to state their opinions on the agenda items and that the discussion is confidential. Projector April 13, 2023 at 5:45 PM - SPECIAL BOARD MEETING Meeting . endobj /OPM 1 The board should be kept aware of the financial activities of the church. You can use these commit tees effectively for items that need in-depth study. /Filter/FlateDecode E8}c.%DvacnR $Ip+UF8$%#p)0GU\f2[sa3J`fEK,\8m5`E (@z):OXn'_$LEjP w.qS;1hS((pXQem`mA183^!. h;Mlfa8h(Lde%w`u$Z6cdW6&v-'9x&uK+M~+(z\d]6 E{u@6M\2]J_3En6z N)aa!;1V|(R~7^ y~%%>s^o].zLa
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