Of course, we will call you first before performing any service that is not included on your order. In many cases the initials are on the toe or in the back cavity. LengthThe total length of the putter measured from the butt end of the grip to the sweet spot of the putter. Scotty Cameron is an artist. http://www.tripadvisor.com/help/how_to_edit_your_posts. I'm sure I left some stuff out, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please don't hesitate. Attached are the pictures, I couldnt be more happy! SCOTTY CAMERON PUTTERS Meticulously crafted from the finest materials, every Scotty Cameron putter is a work of art designed to perform at the highest level. Pasted as rich text. Black Oxide Mist resembles the knocked-down, flat black finish Scotty gives many Tour putters. Hilda, you don't have a location in your profile so I'm not sure if Hygglo works for you. Display as a link instead, This finish can be applied to any carbon steel putter model (i.e., Classics, Teryllium, Pro Platinum, Oil Can Classics, Studio Design, Mil-Spec, Circa 62, etc.). Haven't registered for Team Titleist yet? Patina Oil is all shiny everywhere. Please note that all putters must leave the Custom Shop fully assembled with shafts and grips installed. I agreed and it doesn't have quite the shine that it originally had, but I think I actually like it better, and once it's oiled it looks damn shiny. . Search for a Scotty Cameron Showcase Partner location near you. Custom Shop Finishes Great job. Re: Where can I rent a stroller/pram in Sweden? It's easy! Scotty Cameron Gallery Online Store Release Update. I used the putty knife to squeegee the excess off. By Trey P. Anyone know how much it would cost to get my Pro Platinum Newport 2 back to "off-the-rack" status/condition? Please call the Custom Shop if you have any questions. Also, you can mix your own bluing salts for about $20. How to Place Your Order: Click on the Custom Shop Options order form, enter your putter model and choose Restoration. For pricing please contact our customer service team at; 760.591.9720. I am a huge Scotty Cameron fan and own a couple, and I am considering sending in my putter to get some stamping.
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