People or organisations which were powerful will lose their power. Jessica I missed your recent zoom class with Zoom. If youre into astro, you might have heard some Saturn Return slander. Hello Jessica, Social Life. You are stuck. His metal is lead and a Saturn transit can feel very heavy, as you remember from last time. And sometimes you just sidestep and avoid. An example of the principle exemplified by Saturn in Aquarius could be Thomas Eddison the inventor of the lightbulb. It is always very hard work. But the key, as with all Virgo stelliums, is to find a service to perform that is rewarding. I have really valued the insights that you have given to me in the past so I was wondering if you could advise me now? I have Aries and Virgo stelliums but no factors in Aquarius or Pisces. This inspired me to look back at my Saturn return, which was well before I had much awareness of astrology, and it was one of the most tumultuous times of my life, having been stuck in leases in shoddy homes (one of which had a bedbug infestation), tension between friends and roommates, and was hit by a car while bicycling. It may be that you owe, or are owed, and that has to be settled. Thank you. He has had health issues throughout his life that have been overcome successfully. Thank you in advance as this has always baffled me, so would be fascinated to know. Thank you for your guidance. You may get more than you bargained for, so hold higher hopes, not just for the space itself, but also the local area. Saturn is moving us all back into the heavenly realms during this period. In fact the transit does not end until early 2026. Children. Im looking forward to a new phase to my life as Saturn exits Aquarius. Virgo-Pisces is that kind of cycle. Your issue is more likely that there are 16,522 comments today and its really luck of the draw if yours is on top, where I can see it. DESC He will be liberated as a result of that. Would the new placement also bring a more compassionate communicative approach for Capricorns or successful results in trying to improve the daily life (I am trying to quite smoking lately).
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