The site is not connected to this church, please transact business directly.For corrections, please e-mail to or through our Facebook page. Obrero, Davao City, Davao del Sur (show location map) telephone number: 227-6397; 305-2329 priest: confession: links: Facebook Page additional info: last update: 2023-01-10 Read today's gospel before going to Mass. FY21 Annual Report Read more. View All. This site uses cookies to enhance your experience. Anticipated Mass times for the Holy Days of Obligation 2023 (subject to change). Father Jules Chevalier pledged in 1854, during the Immaculate Conception novena in Issoudun, that if his desire of founding a missionary society in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus came true, he will instruct the faithful in a . Hoy . Recent Post by Page. Mass Schedule of Sacred Heart Parish, Cebu City, Cebu Marigondon, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu, Philippines. Located at Don Jesus Boulevard, Alabang Hills. Sacred Heart (Vigil) 4:00PM, 7:30AM Data may not be accurate or updated. Religious . Sacred Heart Parish. Mass times: Saturdays: 4:30 PM; Sundays: 8:00 AM . Your IP address cannot be used to identify you. Holy Week Schedule - Sacred Hearts Parish | Facebook Since the Solemnity of Mary falls on a Saturday and the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on a Monday this year, they may also be transferred to the closest Sunday. Create new account. ALL SAINTS DAY HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION MASS SCHEDULE: Thursday . What do I need to get copy of Baptismal certificate? No reviews yet. Father is presently the Pastor of St. Benedict's Parish. News View All. Mass schedules of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish. Also on Wed, Fri, and Sat at 6AM, 7AM and 6PM and 6:30PM on Fri. . 315 Main . Please refer to our Privacy Policy if you have any questions. 6, 2023. Beginning at 11, we will pray a rosary and offer prayers in the presence of the Eucharist. Men's group meets weekly, Saturday mornings at 8:00am in the church hall; virtual available during the times of Covid-19 For more information about Men's group, please click here. Mass Schedule - Sacred Heart Parish Apr. St. Charles 8:30AM Thurs, Fri, Sat, St. Charles (Vigils) 4:00PM and 7:00PM , 8:30AM Be the first to comment on Sacred Hearts Parish. Father Alejandro was appointed Administrator of Sacred Hearts Parish on October 1, 2021. St. Charles 9:15-10:00AM First Saturday of the month, St. Eugenes Thursday7:30am Friday7:30am Powered by Other Services AdorationFri: 6:30am-7:30am - First Fri. ConfessionsSat: 4:00pm-4:30pm SHARE THIS CHURCH ON | Update This Listing Added on April 20, 2020. St. Francis of Assisi Sacred Hearts Parish - Sacred Heart School - Bradford, MA You may also call the Parish Office to make an appointment for an individual confession.
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