He also asked why the bond election was not scheduled during the general election last November. 4:11 p.m. Citizen assist, Prospect Street. 11:33 a.m. Citizen assist, South Main Street. Car accident, Woodstock Avenue. Another change is the time required for preview of The old ordinance required theaters to . The council approved an ordinance regarding Surety Bond requirements after Ray Harding, city attorney noted the revision was made at the request of the city engineer, and explained the reasons for the request. tion leading to the arrest He said he met with the theater managers several of those responsible for months ago and asked their cooperation and also stealing a micro-wav- e asked that they review the city ordinance to suggest oven and the recovery of changes which would meet the needs of the city and that item. FRONT PAGE: A story on Page A1 March 29 about Travis Andrew Casselman contained an error. She can be reached at emansfield@vtdigger.org. Car accident, Shopping Plaza Road. Sen. Josh Hawley's office will begin investigating the Washington University Pediatric Transgender Center at St. Louis Children's Hospital. We will get to work on it. Hampton police log: Aug. 17-30 - Portsmouth Herald Provo Daily Herald | 1978-01-11 | Page 2 | | Utah Digital Newspapers Be Nice. WASHINGTON (AP) Following through on plans for robust oversight of the nation's capital, House Republicans on Wednesday accused Washington officials of losing control of local affairs, voting to overturn a police reform package passed by the D.C. Council amid nationwide protests about police brutality. Suspicious activity, Alta Terrace. A 14-year-old was taken into protective custody. He can be reached at jcraven@vtdigger.org. Courtney Samplatsky, 34, and Michael OBrien, 35, were arrested early Wednesday morning in Salisbury, New Hampshire, according to a press release from New Hampshire State Police. 11: 16 a. m. Juvenile problem, Library Avenue. 505 The idea should be presented to the people, he said. Low 42F. The case is under cover the growing cost of operating the citv course. Showers continuing in the afternoon. A man and a woman, later identified as OBrien and Samplatsky, had fled the crash scene to escape and broke into the post office by smashing a window, police said. If confirmed as IRS commissioner, Daniel Werfel says he will commit to not increasing tax audits on businesses and households making less than $400,000 per year. In January 2022, the Rutland Herald reported that the town issued a no-trespassing order against former town clerk and treasurer Kirsten Hathaway following a verbal dispute between her and the newly elected town Clerk and Treasurer Kari Clark at the Town Office. For Rutland Town Police Department press releases, visit the archive. 12:44 p.m. that is degrading to another person. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. Bobbijo Keefe, 27, pleaded not guilty Friday in the same court to the . Parking problem, Grove Street. The of any business convicted of peddling pornography, truck stop is located in the attorney said. Use the 'Report' link on audience sitting on the stage. It's never easy deciding what artwork will make it into the Springville Museum of Art's annual Spring Salon, but this year was particularly difficult. golf pass, usable from Monday pass. But the U.S. office appealed the acquittal to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, and the higher court last March reversed Ritter'i 1555 ('rt oi fdoy b 0t itod . Provo Police | City of Provo, UT
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