I dont know, maybe., There were reasons to lose confidence. VandeHei said he was totally flattered but was working on another venture. He agreed. Eventually, he reached Zane Zander, who owned a paper in the small town of Brillion. Riggs had earned its good name. Last week,. Were off to the races.. VandeHei had been at the Washington Post since 2002; Harris had come to the paper right out of college in 1985 and risen through its ranks. And there are still plans to conquer new markets. His father expected him to work for a few years and return to school for an MBA. Two years ago, the couple had a son, Alexander Lewis Allbritton. Back at company headquarters in Rosslyn, Robert Allbritton analyzed spreadsheets and crunched the numbers. When Comcast bought stakes in Vox and BuzzFeedfor$1 billion and $1.5 billion, respectively,Jim thought it would be insane not to take advantage of this moment. According to a former member of Politicos leadership, they wondered what might happen if the owner got more involved in the day-to-day journalism at his politics site. Allbritton received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Wesleyan University in 1992, [8] and has served as a member of its board of trustees. The relationship ultimately deteriorated during a series of events that has not been reported until now. This article first appeared in the August 2009 issue of The Washingtonian. He was my savior, Zander recalls. But most readers get their news from Politicos Web site. Meanwhile, the political reporting at Politico often eclipses the Posts coveragefrom the White House to Capitol Hill. He turned out to be a thoughtful, responsible, unflappable guy. His professors were Allbritton executives. What the Allbrittons got from the Riggs sale is not public, but based on PNCs valuation of the deal at around $650 million, the family could have come away with some $250 million. Tall and thin, the boss seems to have a smile or good word for everyone. The Post brass took notes. They considered him the best political reporter in town. The defection of VandeHei and Harris jolted the Washington Post. New systems, more branches, better hours. Robert Allbritton didn't need to climb his way to the top of Washington journalismhe was born there. He worked on the 27th floor of the companys office tower in Rosslyn, a corporate power center so sequestered from the newsrooms that some journalists thought of it as the Kremlin. For a time, he displayed model jets on his desk that were similar to the aircraft he owned and sometimes piloted, according to a former Politico executive. [7], Allbritton also made a name for himself in thoroughbred horse racing. Under Breitbarts tutelage, VandeHei and Allen learned how to extract from an article the very specific sentences or data points that could catch fire with either liberal or conservative audiences, and then how to package and feed them to the online communities that would be most receptive. He also bought a horse farm in Upperville, Virginia, and began breeding racehorses. The three talked. There are days when half of the print editions 44 pages are ads for companies such as Goldman Sachs. Ryan finally said to Allbritton: We can start our own paper for less.. None were charged. Were done cutting, Allbritton tells me. Again, Allbritton hired a former Postie, Jim Brady, to lead the effort, called TBD. Dr. Allbritton lives in Georgetown with her husband Robert, publisher of Politico, and three children. According to a source familiar with the discussions, VandeHei believed Axel Springer would pay three times Politicos assessed value for whatever portion of the company it acquired. For years, investors had approached Allbritton to gauge his interest in selling part or all of Politico. Allbritton can look down on helicopters banking past the Kennedy Center. They were surprised and a little disappointed but respected his judgment. When Harris and VandeHei announced they were leaving for Politico, Don Graham sent Allbritton a note wishing him luck.
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