How he made his billions: Stanton, 66, served as the head of several wireless companies in the 1980s and is now the chairman of Trilogy International Partners, a Bellevue, Wash.-based private equity firm that specializes in early-state wireless investments and owns and operates wireless telecommunications companies in New Zealand and Bolivia. Fast facts: Johnson, a Yale graduate, is one of the largest donors to Republican and Tea-Party backed political campaigns, and in 2018, he and his wife, Ann, were criticized for donating $16,2000 to the U.S. Senate campaign of Mississippi Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith, who made controversial comments to a local rancher about a public hanging. Johnson relinquished control of the team in 2019 to his son, Greg Johnson. Mike Ilitch died in 2017, but his wife still owns the chain, which generates more than $4 billion in annual sales. [48], In the 2016 presidential election, Ricketts donated at least one million dollars in support of Donald Trump. It targets both Democratic and Republican incumbents in primary elections. Ricketts, who has put his own net worth at about $50 million, contributed more than $100,000 of his own money to Pillen's campaign. During the 2016 GOP primary, Ricketts' parents, Joe and Marlene, donated $5.5 million to a super PAC devoted to stopping Trump from winning the Republican nomination. Gambling Problem? This is splitting hairs in terms of the Ricketts family's overall wealth, which is certainly in the multi-billions. In addition to being on the Cubs board, Laura is a liberal and LGBTQ activist. MLB players you know: their names, their faces, their salaries, their portrayal by the leagues owners and a fair number of fans during labor disputes and work stoppages as a collection of ingrate millionaires. . [4] Their businesses are still making money, their investments are still doing well, and they have no cash problem. Pete Ricketts Net Worth- Bio, Wife, Daughter, Contact, Family, In 2007, Ricketts co-founded and became director and president of the Platte Institute for Economic Research, which he calls the Free Market think tank and described by Nebraska newspapers as , Pete Ricketts is one of the wealthiest politicians in America, with an estimated fortune of $60 to $70 million.
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